Summer of the Lion | Teen Ink

Summer of the Lion

January 25, 2016
By Kibrret BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Kibrret BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Keep listening to music, cause it gets you through everything. I promise. "
~ Mitch Lucker 1984-2012

In "Summer of the Lion", Keith released the part of life other people never see because it has never been casually mentioned; no one mentions how we all will, no matter what a great life we have lived in or will live in, go through the tragedies and mistakes others would pity. I agreed with his belief that life can get better and no matter what background you have or current situation you're in, you can improve it with the help of others. I adored how the author compared his use of a drug to a lion who charges at you while you do too and suddenly find yourself ripped apart from that danger and no harm that was expected, just doesn't occur. The metaphor really allowed me to step in Keith's shoes for a moment and think about what it's really to like to escape from the anxiety and the stress school hands to you. Thank you, Keith, for allowing me to understand that the help of others can lead to a life of peace and comfort.

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