How To Save A Life | Teen Ink

How To Save A Life

March 10, 2015
By Johnathan Dominguez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Johnathan Dominguez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The article "How to save a Life" reflects my perception on those who are physically or emotionally in a state of melancholy. People suffer the rigors of a tragic experience sometimes at an immense level that suicide and self-hatred are the only alternatives to living. I agree with the fact that if my family ever deteriorated as such that would not be "no big dealon my behalf, and that I would feel the same agonizing pain that they would. When I see that haunting look one might give me, I would take time to consider what pain they might be having and be with them until that sorrow has turned to passion. Thank you Kori for elaborating what one might take into consideration for others and believing that suffering family or friends will heal over time by always being there fro them under any circumstances.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

The author's comments:

My family itself has beared witness to many tragedies. I wonder sometimes how we made it through these years without hurting each other or have had thoughts about ending our sorrows. The I reaalized that the love we have for each other and the determinaation we had to move on had kept us together and will always keep us bonded no mattter what. It's not healthy for humans to dwell on anything, and that love and friendship is what keeps people from self destruction after a tragedy.

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