Love Yourself First | Teen Ink

Love Yourself First

February 6, 2015
By KaitlynB SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
KaitlynB SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

“Love Yourself First” by Ash Rivera is a very compatible with real life.  These days people are too worried about what others think, especially people in relationships.  I believe before someone starts to date they should get to know each other as friends and then decide how a relationship would work.  No one should change for another person. 

Constructive criticism like the narrator gave Charlie to get a job was useful, but Charlie telling the narrator to change her style and ideas was disrespectful to the person she really was.  I believe that Ash Rivera was in the right to do what she had and that she realized she shouldn’t have to change to make anyone else happy but herself.  If you want to change I believe you can but you can never force someone to change.  It’s good Ash shared this story because it’s very true and should be applied to people lives, especially teens that are trying to figure out who they are. No one should need another person to make them who they are.

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