Response to Animal Abuse: Should More Be Done? | Teen Ink

Response to Animal Abuse: Should More Be Done?

March 3, 2014
By Steven Brown SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Steven Brown SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

“Animal Abuse: Should More Be Done?” is about how people need to do more to stop animal abuse. People should care for homeless animals and do the most they can to help keep them around. Many People can help by volunteering or raising money to help the animals.

I agree with the article. I think people need to show more love and care for the poor innocent animals that come around. Like the article says they have rights just like use humans. I think they should be cared for because they have nowhere else to go, and there has to be a home for them somewhere. I can relate greatly to this article because I have had many animals and have saved quite a few of them. I understand that this is a big issue and animals deserve to have love and happiness. It doesn’t surprise me that people aren’t aware of the problem. Many people don’t care about animals or just say they don’t have time for them. I don’t see this as a problem in Ayersville because many of the residents have pets and love them.

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