Reponse to SADD | Teen Ink

Reponse to SADD

March 3, 2014
By Robbie Steffen SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Robbie Steffen SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the article “SADD” Kelsi made a great decision by creating/joining the club of SADD. SADD stands for Students Against Destructive Decisions. I my self is in this group called SADD
I am very glad that Kelsi made the decision to stand up for other teens to not make bad decisions. I am a two year member of the group my self and I love every thing about it. SADD does many things for the school such as get the word out about drinking and driving, drugs, and we also do many things to get teenagers active. Most importantly we want to get the word out on how drinking and driving are bad things to do, yet we like to keep kids active so they don’t turn to those things. I have seen many kids join the club at my school and it has became a very successful thing.

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