Feedback: Poetry Section | Teen Ink

Feedback: Poetry Section

March 8, 2013
By Cameron Gustin BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Cameron Gustin BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Editors,

I really enjoy your magazine! I love how it is written by teens for teens, but there is one thing I think you could change. That thing is poetry. Don’t get me wrong, most of the poems are good and creative, but I don’t really like the short poems. I feel like the short poems don’t have a lot of meaning and they are only there to take up space, but other people work hard to compose a nice long poem.

“Lay out in the sun,
The life of relaxation,
Men feeding me grapes.”

This was a poem called “Paradise” on page 39 of the December issue. It is only three lines and 13 words. I don’t see any meaning in it, either. Now I see about 3-5 of these per issue, and I think you should take these out and add one or two long poems. People work really hard on the longer poems and I think that they deserve to be published instead of the short ones. That would be a better use of the Poetry section.

Cameron G.

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