Points of View | Teen Ink

Points of View MAG

March 8, 2013
By SRJ28 BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
SRJ28 BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You know what is best for the teenage soul, heart, and mind? Agreeing and disagreeing with others to make themselves happy. This is exactly what the Points of View section does for readers; it helps us see the world in a different way and put ourselves in others' shoes. This can prevent fights and bullying within communities and schools. It is always healthier to be friendly and open rather than to judge. The Points of View section also helps people think before they speak.

The Points of View article “A Message to My Brothers and Sisters” shows that judging is never the answer. The author writes that others judge him as a lazy, dumb black kid. This is not what he is. The author calls himself “hardworking and intelligent.” This just shows another reason why people should not judge others and should think before they speak.

Teen Ink's Points of View section is exactly what teens need. They need guidance, input, opinions, and leaders. This is what the Points of View articles offer. Civil Rights activist Jesse Jackson said, “Never look down on anybody unless you're ­helping them up.” No matter who you are, judging is not right, and Teen Ink's writers remind us of that. These perspectives mean a lot, so keep on publishing!

Thank you.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this because it really connects to every teen including myself to help us get through life in an simpler way.

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