How I Became An Athlete | Teen Ink

How I Became An Athlete

October 31, 2012
By Taber Caron BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
Taber Caron BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“How I Became An Athlete” by Raymond P is about how a boy starts to play baseball for the first time ever. He has it in his head that he is not good and will never be a good baseball player. He also said that his team isn’t good. But in the end his team ends up winning the championship and he became a great athlete.

This story relates to me very well. I can relate to this because last year I started playing hockey. I had never played hockey in my life before. All of my friends have been playing since they were 5. I felt like I a shrimp in front of a shark. Every time I kept playing I got better and better and i think i am still getting better. This is just like the story because it was Raymond’s first year of playing baseball. I know exactly how he felt. That is why I choose to respond to this story and I think that you should read it too.

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