Toxic Friendship | Teen Ink

Toxic Friendship

October 25, 2012
By Danielle Hopkins BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
Danielle Hopkins BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Toxic Friendship by Elana B is about when Elana realizes that her “best friend” is not-so friendly and being rude. Elana is being bossed around by her and when she sits with other kids at lunch “apparently, that wasn’t allowed,” but Elana caught her friend gossiping about her with another girl. At that moment she realized that her friend and friendship was toxic. Elana became depressed and low confident. But then she created a motto “Define yourself. Be yourself. Love yourself,” and started to become herself again someone she could love again. She still has some classes with her ex-friend but ignores her as much as possible and is no longer in a toxic friendship.

At my old school I was in a similar situation with some of my friends. For so long I hadn't realized that my friend wasn't really acting like my friend. Its really hard when you think someone is your best friend but really there jerks. Unlike Elana, my friend was having a tough time a taking out her frustration on me and we worked it out. Sometimes I wish we were better friends than we are after that time in our lives. Sometimes you can’t work out the problem, or get them out of your life and the only thing you can do is love yourself and love the people that actually matter in your life.

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