384 dollars | Teen Ink

384 dollars

November 18, 2011
By MirianG. BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
MirianG. BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I found Llana K’s short article “384 Dollars” extremely moving. We’re talking about an issue that affects 50% of Americans families’ everyday: divorce. A scary word, a word you would never want to hear at your home. Unfortunately half of marriages result in divorce, leaving not only the parents but the children emotionally scarred. Having a perfect all American family is rarely seen nowadays; it’s filled with snarling parents ready to rip each other apart. The crazy thing is that the children blame themselves for the divorce when it’s absolutely not there fualt, and they shouldn’t be carrying that burden of guilt on their shoulders! I want everyone to know that if they are in that situation you should not blame yourself for things you can’t change. If your parents weren’t meant to be then let them move on and learn from their mistakes. Let’s thank Llana for her wonderful article and remember that even though your parents are not together anymore, they still love you.

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