Suggestions | Teen Ink

Suggestions MAG

By Anonymous

     First of all, I enjoy reading Teen Ink.All the stories teens write are amazing. I thought Teen Ink would bejust another boring teacher’s magazine, but to my surprise it isvery factual and full of opinions.

I have a few suggestions Ithink would make Teen Ink even better. My idea is to have a page or twowith things like personality tests. One thing I’ve noticed inother magazines is that they have tests where people can analyzethemselves. What better way of reaching out to people or getting theminvolved with the magazine than by providing a simpletest?

Another suggestion is to include more articles on culture.If there is a way to get teens to talk about their differentbackgrounds, we will have insight into what other cultures are like.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Every month we publish a Travel andCulture section, which often includes stories about teens’heritages. See pages 40-41 for memories of growing up in Iraq, nostalgiafor Southern culture, and even a revealing episode in the"culture" of air travel today.

As for your personalitytest idea ... every bit of Teen Ink’s content - writing, art andphotos - is created by teenagers, so someone would have to create andsend us those articles. Besides, don’t you take enough testsalready?

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