AP Classes | Teen Ink

AP Classes MAG

By Anonymous

     AP classes are a wonderful way for students to earn college credit and experience what a college survey course is like. I believe that Abbie D.’s opinion about AP classes is ludicrous. If she doesn’t want the pressure, no one is forcing her to take these courses.

I agree wholeheartedly with her assertion that AP courses are necessary for admission to many private colleges. However, there are plenty of other ways to build up your résumé. Maintaining a good GPA, having a high class rank, and getting involved at school are perfect ways to enhance and hone your résumé so it is ready for college.

AP courses are stressful, yes, but if you cannot handle the pressure, perhaps a regular or honors course would better suit you. AP classes are beneficial to me, and I am thankful for the opportunity to learn at a college level while having the chance to earn credit at the same time.

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