Disgusting | Teen Ink


May 23, 2019
By jasmine_lillyyy SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
jasmine_lillyyy SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I read the piece “Disgusting” by Sasha Lynn R. In the article she describes her neighborhood, Canarsie Brooklyn, as “...the moldy big toenail of Brooklyn…” In the next few paragraphs she proceeds to mention just about everything wrong, annoying, and bluntly comedic within the place she calls home. Although, it might seem like Sasha is complaining about where she lives you’ll soon find out that’s not the case at all. Every place in her neighborhood, bad or worse, is linked to an important moment in her life. I personally felt drawn to this article because I reside in Brooklyn and feel a connection to Sasha’s statements and opinions. However, another reader that has never set foot in New York would also be able to understand the ins and outs of her neighborhood and perceive it in their own way. Towards the end of her piece she reveals that she is apprehensive for the way the neighborhood she once knew every little thing about will completely change. She gives us an example of this is in the second to last paragraph. “Nobody wants to stick their Arizona iced tea cans in the space between the window and the seat anymore.” Sasha ends her article with the same sentence that began it. Although her neighborhood is “disgusting” she’ll never forget the impact it on her life.

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