A Christmas Card | Teen Ink

A Christmas Card

December 12, 2018
By jasmine_lillyyy SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
jasmine_lillyyy SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Christmas Card by Maura Sheedy is an incredibly sarcastic and humorous piece of fiction that many families can relate to. In the very first line of the story she hits us with the all too relatable reciepent list for our familiies annual holiday card. Maura mentions the accomplishments of her children, husband, and herself. "As you can see from the 30 pictures we included, our family definitely had more fun, more vacatons, and more achievements than yours." The author relaxes the readers with light hearted and straight up funny takes on the up tight standards of our society. Overall, I really enjoyed Mauras laughably sarcastic piece and will ponder upon it as I form my own family's "holiday" card. 

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