Cat Got Your Tongue? | Teen Ink

Cat Got Your Tongue?

August 31, 2018
By Xanng BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Xanng BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I found Shayli Authier's short story,"Cat Got Your Tongue?" extremely moving and helped me apperciate myself and the people I love. The story that Authier is trying to get through the reader is to hold on to the people who matter to you because you might lose them one day. This messange has successfully impacted me and help me care more about the people close to me and showing them more of my love. Losing a love one is hard but I have never been though these experience and foolishly claim that life is hard. Thank you, Authier for sharing these kind of stories, I'm sure that it has made teens like me look at the world in a different view.

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