Looking Good on the Outside Only | Teen Ink

Looking Good on the Outside Only

July 9, 2010
By Anonymous

It's 9pm, and I'm about to go to bed. but there's a hunger in me that makes me feel sick to my stomach. maybe because there is nothing in there. i will admit i was anerexic. i was always overweight and chubby, and i was teased and mocked becaause of it and i figgured it was my fault. i should lose weight, so the other kids would like me. so instead of diet and execise, i just excersied. i rarely finished all of my food and i figured as long as i look good I'll be alright. but i felt horrible. sometimes I'd becomme lightheaded and I'd ignore this, and countinue to not eat. even after i lost all the weight, kids at school didnt act any nicer than they did before. they would find other things to tease and taughnt me about. honestly its not worth it. its good to lose weight if you want to do it for health reasons like high cholesterol, or diabetes, but not because of what others say, and anerexia is not the way to go.


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