Teen essays on global warming, animal cruelty, green living and more | Teen Ink


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By daviddddp1 BRONZE
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Picture the perfect escape. For many people, this escape carries them far off to the mountains where the air is crisp, fresh, and pure, where the sounds of nature block out the uni...
daviddddp1 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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I hate quotes-they are so pretentious and smug.

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By girlsrock101 BRONZE
Peoria, Arizona
girlsrock101 BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
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Sarah Rodeo PLATINUM, New York, New York
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By brdn287 SILVER
Maywood, New Jersey
brdn287 SILVER, Maywood, New Jersey
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By Anonymous
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By Anonymous
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By Anonymous
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Esmeralda Limon BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
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JHP1224 PLATINUM, Irvine, California
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