People Should Think Before Acting | Teen Ink

People Should Think Before Acting

October 28, 2015
By Uriah_Alvarado28 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
Uriah_Alvarado28 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's not whether you get knocked down, it's if you get back up-Vince Lombardi.

 Did you know that in the United States alone, thirty percent of people ranging from the ages eighteen through thirty don't recycle? If you believe that's bad, think of other people around the globe who litter or throw away away precious recyclables to save the planet's beautiful land, animals, and our health. There are important reasons to recycle such as, it protects wildlife, reduces water pollution, and prevents global warming.

Recycling is a must when it comes to saving wildlife. Thousands of animals die every year because of habitat loss, ingestion, or entanglement because of litter bugs. A couple of examples are animals of the Amazon jungle. They lose their homes because we cut down the trees to create new products instead of recycling previously made products to create new ones. Marine animals die every year because of humans refusing to throw their trash in trash cans. Marine animals accidentally eat or get tangled in trash every year and die.

Many rivers, ponds, or any kind of body of waters get polluted because of littering. Millions of families and animals don't have clean water to drink which causes casualties or illness. Many families and wildlife struggle to survive with polluted water because the water become wastelands instead of delicious water used as a life source.
Global warming is a very big deal and must stop. Recycling plays a big role in slowing down the heating of earth's atmosphere by capturing and holding carbon dioxide. If this is done, we can slow down the rise of temperature per decade which rises -17.7 degrees Celsius.

  Recycling is a big task to do to save the environment and atmosphere. People must become more aware of this situation when littering. Would people like to live in a wasteland full of trash or on a healthy clean planet?

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