Too Much Air Pollution | Teen Ink

Too Much Air Pollution

April 27, 2015
By Nikki Frederickson BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
Nikki Frederickson BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  Usually people don’t care about the environment. Yeah, some people do, but not enough. Even if you say you care, in what ways do you conserve the environment? It’s not enough to say you care about it you need to do something about it. Air pollution is everywhere and needs to be reduced.
Air pollution is a health risk for everyone on this planet. Emissions from cars, factories, homes, trains, and buses are devastating to the environment. This affects not only humans but also animals, plants, and every living thing.
Dangerous emissions entering the atmosphere cause ozone depletion. The ozone is a necessity of life on earth. It shields the earth from the harmful radiation of the sun, which leads to global warming. The earth is your home and you need to keep it habitable.  
Yes, natural phenomena also lead to air pollution, but a lot of the pollution stems out to human activities. These harmful substances are emitted through the burning of natural gases and fossil fuels, transportation, and factories. You need to change your ways to keep the earth liveable place.
Many little things, that are easy to do, can make an impact on helping the environment. Like think, how much air pollution can you reduce from your everyday activities? The more people who start to change their ways, the greater effect it will have on the environment.

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