Solar Power | Teen Ink

Solar Power

May 12, 2014
By basket-ball11 BRONZE, Stonemountain, Georgia
basket-ball11 BRONZE, Stonemountain, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Solar power is one of the most discussed forms of renewable energy on earth. It doesn't matter where you live you always will get enough sunlight to power the solar cells. Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics, or indirectly using concentrated solar power. Most homes in America get electricity by power plants. These power plants burn fossil fuel to create electricity, the fossil fuel is slowly running out on earth. According to experts fossil fuels like oil and coal will be exhausted by the year 2050. North America depends on fossil fuels so we need to search for alternative energy sources which don't pollute the environment or harm it. We need to find new ways to acquire energy, so we can always have the energy to power our homes. This is the reason everyone should consider using solar power.

Solar power uses silicon cells to absorb light energy and create electrical energy. Electron movement in an atom generates light, when an electron changes its energy level, or orbit around the nucleus it absorbs energy. The electron doesn’t stay in that energy level and it moves back, when it does this the electron releases energy as a photon, or a particle of light. This light is what silicon cells use to covert light energy into electrical energy. Scientists have also invented concentrated solar power systems. Concentrated solar power systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. This small beam makes the electrical energy. Solar panels also save thousands of dollars each year for the average homeowner. Everyone likes to save money.

The downside of solar energy is only a small obstacle. Solar energy can cost a lot of money. The cost always depends on where you live. Major cities in the nation are now reducing costs to recommend using solar energy.

Solar energy is a new modern technology. It will become one of the most widely used energy sources, as fossil fuel numbers start to decline. More Americans are on their way to use this. This type of energy is the fastest and most accessible across the U.S. Solar energy is the future of electricity everywhere.


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