Steps to Save | Teen Ink

Steps to Save

April 1, 2024
By 5riemenschneider BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5riemenschneider BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I had the resources I need to save the world I would find a way to rebuild our planet.  Our use of fossil fuels produces large amounts of emissions which affects our environment and leads to strange weather and nature events.  The whole process of extraction, to production, to the use of the fuels produces large amounts of pollution in the environment.  I would invest heavily in research and development for renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power.  I would take these methods and use them both for industrial and residential use.  This would greatly cut down the amount of pollution expelled each year.  Changing both the industrial and personal uses of energy to renewable sources would save us year's worth of damage done to our plane.  My next step would be to start rebuilding the environment.  I would be able to start up many foundations that would start saving and rebuilding endangered ecosystems which would speed up the recovery of the planet.  The combination of less pollution with a boost in recovery would rapidly start the regrowth of our planet.  The next step would be to change the way we use transportation.  If our transportation continues to use fossil fuels we would continue to pollute our environment.  If our transportation could run off of completely renewable sources, like solar or even water, our pollution would be almost completely erased.  My final step would be to get rid of things we throw out.  We pollute with tons of plastic and other materials.  If all our materials were biodegradable it would leave almost zero pollution in the environment leaving us with a healthy and recovering planet.  All of these steps would lead us to a healthy and safe future for us, our future generations and our planet.

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