Save the Rainforest | Teen Ink

Save the Rainforest

March 27, 2023
By MadelinePin BRONZE, Los Alamitos, California
MadelinePin BRONZE, Los Alamitos, California
2 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Climate change is multifactorial. One reason is the increase in fossil fuel usage, which results in an increase in CO2 levels. What can we do to lessen or reverse the CO2 levels in our atmosphere? I propose we have every person plant a tree or cactus where they live. That would be the local community/individual effort. Then have all the countries come together and reforest the Brazilian rainforest. Due to logging and human development, the Brazilian rainforest has decreased in size. Due to fires and drought, it has released more CO2 than it absorbs. We need to reverse that by replanting and maintaining the Brazilian rainforest, and to protect it from illegal logging. This would need to be done by all countries coming together like a Green United Nations and having an army protect and plant trees. Then build a desalination facility and use airplanes to water the rainforest. It is a huge project, but would be beneficial to the earth.

The author's comments:

I am an inspiring Environmental Engineer hoping to find solutions to climate change and pollution. 


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