Euthanasia Essay | Teen Ink

Euthanasia Essay

May 27, 2014
By madytaylor BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
madytaylor BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Take every risk, Drop every fear.

The people of America are guaranteed certain rights, such as the right to determine what is or what is not to be done to their body. Euthanasia is a very controversial topic. Some believe that it is basically murder, while others believe that it is a choice the patient has the right to make. Although some argue that Euthanasia should be illegal, it should actually be legal because just as a person has the right to life, they should also have the right to death.

Within the legal aspect of Euthanasia, 4 states have legalized it, it is illegal in 46 states and there are not any federal laws against it. All laws against Euthanasia are state laws. Euthanasia could become a moral problem if providing the lethal injection is against their religious beliefs. (

State laws can be changed if the state puts it past legislation. In the case that Euthanasia violates a doctors religious or moral beliefs, then a different doctor who is in full support can take over and perform the lethal injection, without the doctor not in favor being involved.

It is true that no terminally ill person should be given up on if no cure is available. Doctors from AMA have stated “Patients should not be abandoned once it is determined that cure is impossible.” Patients can remain on life support to keep them living until they die a natural death, rather than inducing it. Also, the Hippocratic oath, the oath doctors swear under, states “I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.” Doctors are legally not allowed to administer a deadly drug into any patient. But, what is the quality of that person’s life if they are hooked to machines and are bedridden?

One cannot disregard the misery the person being forced to live is going through. It is insensitive to make somebody maintain suffering instead of letting him or her make the choice whether to induce death or not. “It should be considered as much of a crime to make someone live who, with justification does not wish to continue as it is to take life without content.” (Faye Girsh, EdD) The medical field must respect their patient’s wishes. Although the Hippocratic oath prohibits administration of deadly drugs, the system used to inject drugs for Euthanasia does not violate that oath. The procedure for Euthanasia is to have the doctor or physician place the needle in the person’s body. The person then has to press a button, flip a switch, or pull a string to release the lethal drug into their body. This technique technically makes this a legal act. In addition, On a 60 minutes interview Dr. Kevorkian explained that if the patient is not in a stable mental state, but are requesting Euthanasia, the doctor will gather statistics and require a medical justification before allowing Euthanasia.

In conclusion, think about what you would want for yourself or a loved one if you were suffering a terminal illness. If a person no longer feels as if they can enjoy their life, then he or she should be given options. Anything and everything an ill person desires should be respected and acted upon.

Works Cited
Emanuel, Ezekiel, PhD. “State-by-State Guide to Physician-Assisted Suicide –

Euthanasia –” Proconorg Headlines. Web 23 May 2014
Girsh, Faye, Eed, and AMA. “Euthanasia –” ProConorg Headlines. Web.

23 May 2014
“Hippocratic Oath.” Home. Web. 24 May 2014.
Kevorkian, Jack. “Dr. Jack Kevorkian’s “60 Minutes” Interview.” CBSNews. CBS

Interactive. Web. 21 May 2014.

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