When Do Popular, Tight Clothes Cross the Line? | Teen Ink

When Do Popular, Tight Clothes Cross the Line?

February 20, 2013
By mmatson15 BRONZE, Edina, Minnesota
mmatson15 BRONZE, Edina, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sure, I like yoga pants and leggings, just as much as the next girl, but there is a time and place where it is ok to wear them. I mean “yoga” is in the title of the pants! They were made for yoga! I get it they’re comfortable, and they’re cute, but when do tight clothes like leggings or short-shorts cross the line? When do they stop being socially acceptable? There is a fine line between dressing for oneself to show individuality, and dressing for others to show off ones body. What do leggings and crop-tops communicate to others about ones character and respect of self? One must think carefully about what they decide to wear, because what one wears communicates a lot to others.

When getting dressed, one should always ask, “Would I wear this to visit my grandma?” Or “Would it be socially acceptable to wear this to church?” For all those girls out there who are questioning whether to wear crop-tops and leggings together… no, it is not ok, grandma wouldn’t approve nor would friends…never wear them to church, never. Let me go a little further and say, never wear those together, EVER! I’m going to exercise some tough love…. It doesn’t look good on anyone! Well, maybe a Victoria Secret model, but no one else!
Although leggings and crop-tops don’t work together, there are many ways that leggings could be worn that would be considered stylish and appropriate. Leggings and a cute long sweater, or a big sweatshirt, or anything that goes halfway down the thighs, are appropriate, and super cute! I’m not saying that one should never wear leggings, they are “in” right now and a huge fad, a return to the 80’s style, but one must know how to wear them.
What I want to know is the thought process of fashion designers when they created shorts that are the same length as swimsuit bottoms, “Ehhh…we don’t have enough fabric… Oh! I have an idea, lets make the shorts and small as possible, I bet that will trend!” Ever since I can remember, short-shorts have been around, but it seems like over the years, they have been becoming shorter and shorter. When I walk into a store to buy new shorts for the spring/summer season all I see are the notorious booty shorts. They don’t have any shorts that are any longer, so it is safe to say that most girls wear short-shorts. There is not much of an option for anything else besides capris, which don’t suffice on hot summer days. Ellen Warner, the Chicago Tribune senior correspondent said, "Who wears short shorts? The answer today? A lot of people who shouldn't. And stores everywhere are accessories to that fashion crime. I've heard women young and old complain that the only shorts they can find are nearly obscene: tight and tiny and leaving almost nothing to the imagination.” Ellen Warner was spot on; stores just don’t sell shorts that even come close to mid-thigh. Why is that? Why is it ok to wear shorts that don’t exercise any moderation? Susan Swimmer, fashion features editor of More magazine, said, “They are (short-shorts) appropriate never, I can't think of a single occasion when something else wouldn't be better." By wearing short- shorts, it communicates that one wants to show off their body, and one is seeking attention for the wrong reasons, they lack self- confidence. Even if one doesn’t intend to express those things, that’s often what comes across.
I am a small group leader for middle school girls at my church. I love all the girls, but one night, two sixth grade girls walked into church wearing lululemon leggings, and a “no limits” tank top, with the sports bra underneath visible. It would be ok to wear that to tennis or another sport, but definitely not to church! The youth pastor, had to tell the two girls to change, and not wear that to church again. The surprising part of it all was the fact that they thought it was appropriate to wear to church. Even as a sophomore in high school, I know it’s not appropriate to wear something like in public, let alone church.
In conclusion, when picking out clothes in the morning ask yourself, “Is this ok to wear this out to lunch with my family or to church?” Remember that what one chooses to wear, boldly communicates more then you could ever communicate with words. Choices like tight pants, leggings, and crop-tops communicate a need for attention and other possible negative views that may not resemble ones self. A person must take the time to respect themselves and respect others through their clothing choices.

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