The Frosting of a Cake | Teen Ink

The Frosting of a Cake

June 5, 2024
By Anonymous

Baking a cake seems easy: just add flour, sugar, eggs, and some milk. But in reality, this art is a very complicated skill. The perfect amount of each ingredient is proportional to each other. One slight alteration of one ingredient impacts the whole final product. Too dense. Too soft. Too dry. Just the right amount of each ingredient combined results in the sweetest, fluffiest, and most delicious cake ever tasted. 

Writing involves this same delicate skill. One cup of figurative language. One cup of description. A couple of tablespoons of grammar and just a pinch of dialogue. No more. No less. But the most important ingredient is the frosting of the inner connection with the piece. Emotions. Moods. Feelings. All the parts that make the writing have meaning. Whether it's a creamy buttercream or a rich chocolate ganache. This layer ultimately brings the writing to life. 

Writing, like baking, is a time to relax. It's a time to let all the thoughts go loose and to let the mind drift away. It’s a time to turn some music on and let the art work its magic. No stress. No worries. Nothing. A therapeutic sensation of pure imagination allows an individual to immerse themselves in creating something delightful without the idea of perfection. There’s no ultimate paradigm for individuals to compare to. The perfection of art is all within the piece itself. 

Whether a novice or an expert, all writers, like bakers, experiment with their pieces. They ascertain the proportions of each ingredient to develop a masterpiece. When they write, it’s like mixing the ingredients, folding and blending a mixture of emotions, words, and ideas to create a composition of them all. Each cake and piece is unique to the creator. It displays and reflects each individual. Whether it’s a beautifully decorated cake or a well-crafted story, the personal touch ultimately makes it one-of-a-kind. Sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes the cake burns or the writing is missing key details. However, the impetus of the satisfaction of the final product tends to drive this long process every time. 

The author's comments:

This piece reflects my connection with writing and baking and the satisfaction that both skills bring to my life. 

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