It's Not That Easy | Teen Ink

It's Not That Easy

November 29, 2017
By BreWithAnE SILVER, Rixeyville, VA, Virginia
BreWithAnE SILVER, Rixeyville, VA, Virginia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The real estate agent looked ghastly pale. That should have been the first clue. But the old house was selling at such a cheap price, I couldn't refuse. I had heard the rumors that it was haunted, but hey, I didn't believe in ghosts. But just to be sure I thought I should probably spend a night in the house to see if the rumors were true. I packed my equipment in a box and headed to the house. If there really was a ghost in the house, I was going to find it. As I arrived at the house, a storm was brewing outside.
“Perfect opportunity for a ghost to present itself, if there is one.” I said to myself.
I walked up the stairs and took out the key to my, I hope, new home. Opening the door, I stepped just inside the house. Taking in my surroundings, I looked around to see if there was anything strange or unusual about the place. All of the furniture was in the same spot it was last time I saw it. All of the lights were off and the air conditioning was off as well. Just as it was before. I dropped my bag to the side of the entrance and walked further into the house. Once I entered the kitchen, I immediately dropped my keys onto the kitchen table, seeing as I would remember where I left them when the time came to retrieve them. I looked around in the kitchen to see if there was something that I could use to make dinner for later that night. AFter rummaging through various cabinets, I finally found a pot, a plate and a bowl for tonight’s meal.
After placing the cooking items on the counter for later, I decided to explore the rest of the house, seeing if anything paranormal would happen to me. I walked first into the living room, dusting off furniture and flipping on light switches to see if there was any electricity. Discovering that the lamps worked, I kept them on and continued to look around. Suddenly, I felt an icy cold wave pass over me. The hair on my neck and arms stood straight up, and I froze. Once the feeling passed, I took in a deep breath. But just as that feeling had passed, another one immediately took over. I didn’t have control over my own body. I started to turn and walk away from the living room towards one of the bedrooms. Trying desperately in my mind to free myself of whatever had a hold of me, I tried to resist the orders I was receiving. But whatever it was pushed harder. I slam into the first bedroom door and I force my way inside.
I am breathing heavily now. Looking around like a maniac, I try to find the first thing I can throw. There is a book on the desk next to the bed. I grab it and throw it at the closet door. The door breaks down and I stomp to it, stepping over large pieces of wood. I suddenly feel like I’m falling. Trying desperately to grab something, I flail my arms outward, looking to catch my fall. I don’t scream however, whatever it is still has a hold on me. I finally stop falling with a thud to the ground. Groaning, I pick myself up and continue on like nothing even happened. I walk down a long and dark hallway for what seemed like hours. Finally, I saw a light at the end of the hallway. I start to run towards it, happy that it was almost over. I reach the light and look up. It was to the outside. That’s strange. I climb up the ladder to the outside and find myself standing on the other end of the town my house is in.
“Where am I?”,I yell, trying to look for help. Except, there was no one there. There wasn’t anybody anywhere. I wander around, looking into buildings and down alleyways for a long time, trying to make sure that I wasn’t going insane and that there was really no one here. The grows darker and darker the more I wander around. Eventually, I pass out on a park bench, exhausted from taking in too much. 
When I wake up next, I open my eyes to see an eggshell colored ceiling. Except, last thing I remember seeing before I fell asleep was the sunset in the park. did I get here? Starting to panic, I sit up from my sleeping position and start to remove my covers at lightning speed. But something stops me. A hand grabs part of my covers and my foot, stopping my forward motion. There, on the edge of my bed, is a dark disgusting figure, breathing like it is taking its last breath. I froze.
“What, you thought I would let you get away THAT easily?”

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