Two Faced | Teen Ink

Two Faced

December 20, 2016
By Anonymous

The voices consume my head filling it full of agonizing thoughts. They scream louder and louder demanding to be heard dragging me down with them. It won’t stop, they just keep clawing and ripping their way through my head pulling on every emotion I may possibly have. It doesn’t stop just grows its inescapable everything I try to do to possibly escape but, nothing works they follow me everywhere. What do they want from me? Where do I go? Questions left unanswered and often times mocking me relentlessly. The voices mock my entire existence. Why are they so loud? Continuous screams screeching becoming until they become the only thing I can hear. The constant noise consumes my life overpowering me weakening me at my knees. Until I just can’t take it anymore, it is to unbearable to live with everyday. Little did I know that it was the face behind my head. Just attached into my skull threading these thoughts into my brain, I guess i understand the phrase “two faced” now. 

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