The Figure in the woods | Teen Ink

The Figure in the woods

December 20, 2016
By Writergirl66 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
Writergirl66 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Katy has lived in her house ever since she was two years old. Her father had always been fascinated with the supernatural and died because of it. Katy was five years old when her father decide to go into the woods behind her house that were said to be haunted. Katy and her mother told him not to go, but he would not listen instead he told them he would be gone for an hour and not to wait up. Katy’s mother was very worried for her husband, but knew she couldn’t stop him. So she let him go and he never returned.
Katy hasn’t seen her father since that day, she also listened to her mother a lot more than she used to. Her mom always told her never to go into the woods behind their house since it was very dangerous and she could get hurt. Katy never understood why her mother said it was dangerous since, it looked calm and beautiful. One day Katy was hanging out with a couple of her friends from school in her huge backyard overlooking the foggy woods. When one of her friends asked about the woods and why they never went in them. Katy looked at her friend nervous to tell her about the woods since her mom also said to never talk about them. Since it would make people want to go in them to explore the woods to see if it was really haunted. Her friends finally made her give into telling them a little about the woods.
“My mom says that a dark figure in the shape of a shadowy woman lives in those woods. She is said to wait for curious people to walk into the woods and devour their souls” told Katy.

She knew that the devouring souls part was a lie since she knew nothing about the shadow figures diet, but she thought it would be funny to scare her friends a little bit more then her story should have. She looked at each of her friends faces trying not to laugh by the looks on their faces but she failed, and started rolling around laughing. The other girls were confused wondering why she was laughing at them until they started thinking she was lying about the shadow figure.

“I don’t believe you, it’s probably just some old bum who lives in the woods and scares off any one who enters the woods” said one of her friends the others looked at each other and nodded their heads.

Katy stopped laughing at her friends and looked at each one of them as she talked.
“Oh I assure you the woods are haunted, it was just the devouring souls part I was lying about I don’t really know what she does with her victims.” All of her friends gave her the prove it look, but Katy didn’t know what to do to prove it. She wasn’t going to go into those woods alone her mother would be furious with her if she came back alive.

“We dare you to go into the woods for ten minutes to prove there is no evil spirit thing” said her best friend from the group.

“Oh heck no i’m not going in there, not even for a thousand dollars. My mom told me to never go into those woods and i’m going to listen to her.” Katy was getting scared, she knew what her friends were like and she knew that weren't going to back down without a fight.  Neither was she, but before she knew it her friends had grabbed her arms and was dragging her to the woods. “Come guys this is not cool, you need to stop this and let me go.” Katy was starting to panic they were at the edge of the woods  and she knew they would not hesitate to throw her in.

“Come on we doubt there's anything in there at all you’ll be fine and you can’t come out until ten minutes okay”

“NO WAIT PLEASE DON’T!” Katy screamed but it was too late her friends pushed her in and the heavy fog surrounded her. She stood there for what seemed like hours, fear rising in her heart. She didn’t know what to do, her friends would grab her and toss her back in if she tried to get out. What she was more worried about was the evil spirit she knew it lived here she had her the screams that came from these woods, but she was an idiot for not telling her friends about those terrifying and leaving it at that. She would have even offered for them to stay over and wait to listen to them, but instead she was in the woods alone while her friends waited for her to come out and tell them it was all a big lie.

She could hear her friend talking at the edge of the woods but couldn’t see them the fog was very heavy and she couldn’t see a thing. Katy decided that if she was to spend time in here she would need to move around since it was very cold in the woods for spring time.  She left little pieces of lint, or snapped off a twig so she’d know how to get back to the entrance. The woods were surprisingly quiet there was normally a chirp of a bird, or the song of a cricket, but instead it was silence. Katy was starting to get very nervous since she has never been in the woods before, she had no idea what was in store for her. There could be a lot of terrible things like bears and mountain lions, but she didn’t even see an insect so what was the likely of any animals. She started to walk deeper into the woods hope to find an exit father from her friends. As the voices at the edge of the woods got further away Katy started to feel like she was being watched from a distance. She stopped and turned in a circle to see if she could see her follower, but all she could see was fog.

Katy knew it had been longer than ten minutes and her friends were probably getting worried about her, but she didn’t care for some reason she wanted to explore more of the forbidden woods. She kept hearing quiet footsteps behind. She knew by the sound that they were no animals, but human. Sadly she didn’t know where they were coming from. An hour later Katy was getting tired and decided to find a place to rest, she found a old log cabin so after a decided to go in it to sleep. As she stepped into the cabin she noticed it was colder than the rest of the woods it was also very dirty to covered with black dust. The smell in the tiny cabin was horrible and Katy had to cover her nose and mouth to breathe in fresh air. She opened the little windows at both sides of the cabin letting the fresh air come into venting out the old rotting smell. She made a little bed out of the blankets that were still good enough to use and fell asleep.

Katy woke up after a few hours the feeling of being watched came back and it felt colder in the little cabin than it was before, also the smell was even worse. Katy looked around the little cabin wondering where the cold and smell was coming from. As she looked around the room she noticed a dark smoke floating around the room. She didn’t know what to do but she knew she shouldn’t go near the dark smoke. Katy slowly got up from her spot and walked to the door. The dark shadow followed her as she moved to the door and she knew it had seen her she decided to run even though she knew it most of the horror movies it wasn’t a good idea.
The figure grabbed at Katy, but she served and it missed. Katy knew she had to get to get out of the woods  quickly but she didn’t know where to go. She remembered that she had left stuff behind to find her way but she didn’t have time to look for them because the figure was coming in fast. She kept running, hoping she was going the right way. All of a sudden she tripped on a small stick that was out of place and fell. She tried to get back up,but the figure grab her. The figure started dragging the screaming Katy back to the cabin. 

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