The Arrest | Teen Ink

The Arrest

May 12, 2016
By Anonymous

“Stop! You’re under arrest!” a voice screamed at me. I stopped and froze in place and put my hands up as I slowly started to turn around. A sheriff yanked my hands down and begin to handcuff me. I kept my eyes on the ground, afraid to look at the man. I had no idea what I did wrong. I slowly peeled my eyes off the ground and looked the sheriff in the eyes.
“What did I do wrong?” I asked honestly. It was a sunday morning and I was walking home with my morning coffee from Zan’s, the local coffee shop. It wasn’t even 10:00 AM yet, what could I have possibly done wrong.
He finished handcuffing me and said in a growl full of anger “you have been found guilty murdering Sam Jones.” I stared blankly. Who?
“I have never heard that name before in my life and I would never-” I started to say.
“Damn it boy! Don’t play stupid. We know it was you. If I were you, I’d shut your mouth. Everything you can and will be used against you in court,” he interrupted me as he started to yank me towards his car. Who did this man think he was? He didn’t even recite the miranda warning right!
“Are you even a real cop?” I asked as I tried to resist him dragging me around. I’m studying law at the state university to become an attorney. I already have my bachelors in liberal arts and I knew that this man was not doing his job correctly. I observed him. He had a jagged scar through his eyebrow and had a faint five-o'clock shadow, but I doubted he could be any older than 25. It isn’t very common for someone that age to already be a sheriff.
“You are in no position to doubt me!” he shouted as he forcefully shoved me into his car and slammed the door shut. My phone vibrated and I was just barely able to pull it out. At this motion though, my door was suddenly opened again. The sheriff snatched my phone out my hands and then slammed it to the road before I could react. Glass flew everywhere as he shut my door again. I looked around in the car. The seats were plastic, there were no handles on the inside, and the divider was very much the kind used in police cars. So even if this guy isn’t a sheriff, he must be at least a cop. He opened up his door and started up the car and drove.
Half an hour later we were deep into the middle of nowhere. I haven’t seen any signs of civilization, just corn everywhere.  Tension was high and not a word has been spoken the whole ride. Who was this guy? What did he want with me? Who is Sam Jones?  Somewhere along the way of thinking I fell asleep.
I was shaken awake some time later on. The sun had gone down and the sky resembled cotton candy. Everything was quiet. By my approximant time guess, it has been around 2 hours since I was ‘arrested’. We were still surrounded by corn, but now we were at a building. The building was an old farm house. “Follow me. Don’t object or ask questions. I’ll explain once we are inside,” the officer said. His voice was not as angry as before but still had a rough tone. I complied and got up and followed him inside. I wanted answers.
On the outside, the house was old and seemed moldy. At first, nothing looked out of the normal. Just an old farm house. We walked down the broken steps into the basement and I was taken aback. There were rows of desks and computers and people furiously typing away. Pictures hung everywhere. Everything was silent except for the typing and printers printing off paper. No one acknowledged me. I took a second glance and realized. No one else was wearing police or sheriff outfits. I heard a clearing of the throat from behind me. I turned and looked.
“Would you like me to uncuff you?” The man asked. I nodded my head. He finished walking down the stairs and walked into a side room and I followed. We entered an office. He pulled out a key from the right pocket of his shirt and unlocked my hands. He motioned for me to sit down as he sat on the opposing side of the desk.
“Let me start by saying I’m sorry. I’m actually Sam Jones and I’’m not really a sheriff, but I didn’t want anyone to suspect anything. I’ve heard many good things about you, Wilson Halter. I’ve heard from one of your professors about your uncanny ability to solve almost any legal case you’ve dealt with. I’m a member of the CIA and we would be honored to have you join our team. Our agency will pay for you to complete your education for as long as you are a member. So, what do you say?” Sam asked me in a gentle yet serious voice and stuck out his hand. My eyes widened and my stomach flipped and I was freaking out on the inside. This was such an honor! On the outside I was calm and serious.
“Deal. It’ll be a pleasure working with you, Mr. Jones,” I said as I shook his hand.

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