why i stopped babysitting | Teen Ink

why i stopped babysitting

February 4, 2016
By luvmahpickles BRONZE, Oakland, New Hampshire
luvmahpickles BRONZE, Oakland, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love is like a fart, if you have to force it it's probably s**t.<3

A slow faint knock came upon the door. I opened the door and outside it was dark, gloomy and dead silent. Most importantly, empty. No life stood at the door. Now a knock on the upstairs window. I shut the lights and close the door. I grab an old flashlight off the coat rack and headed upstairs, eyes wide open. I turn the corner and behind me I can see a woman. A shadowy figure you could just make out by the glow of her pure white dress. I tremble. I follow her everywhere but she has suddenly vanished. Out of the blue there is a whine. A whine that is coming from the living room. I peer over the corner and there is a faint light on the dresser. It was the baby monitor. The whine turns to a cry and a cry to a scream. “rock a by baby on the tree top…” The voice is slow and spine-chilling. The baby! I frantically bolted up the stairs as the voice got louder. As I entered the room I almost lost consciousness. No one was in the room. Not even the baby. I turned around swiftly thinking that I was going to run, but immediately stopped. She was right behind me I could touch her pale face . She  opened her mouth and out came a devilish scream.

I wake up and I am laying on a bed of rocks sticks and a dozen candles gathered around me. It looked like some sort of shrine, and I was the sacrifice. I tried to move but I was tied down with some sort of chain. No one was in sight. I tried to break free but the chains just  got tighter. My heart was beating out of my chest. I felt as if I have seen this woman before. I couldn’t think straight. A tree branch brushed against the window. the wind howled as a tear ran down my cheek piercing my hot skin. The candles were making it hard to breath. I cough hysterically. I sweat horrendously. Suddenly, I hit the back of my head on a rock and black out.

I wake up in the living room the lights are off and a cozy blanket is lying on my lap. It was all a nightmare.

15 years later I am married and have 1 baby named Grace. My husband Sean walks in the door from a Jets game and hears “twinkle twinkle little star…” He goes upstairs to say hi to me and grace. Now let me ask you, if i am in the kitchen then who is with the baby?!?!

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