The Unkown Letter | Teen Ink

The Unkown Letter

October 30, 2015
By Cassidy1234 BRONZE, Edgefield, South Carolina
Cassidy1234 BRONZE, Edgefield, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Dear my Carrie,
  I’m everywhere you are and everywhere you will be.  You don’t see me, but I always see you. You are making a mistake, I am so much better.  This I know; I know more about you, than you’ll ever know about yourself.  Don’t go through with this or you will regret it, big time.  I will make you regret every decision you have ever made.
From, the best you'll ever have”
These typed, black and white words rolled off of the plain, white paper.  The name “Carrie” was printed on the other side of the letter, next to this black smudge.  A black smudge that had looked as if the ink wasn’t dry when the paper had been sent away.  The eagerness of the sender had created a pathway right back to him, a finger print.  Carrie received the letter one foggy, crisp Tuesday morning.  With complete unexpectedness, she had no hesitation to open the letter… but hesitation is the one thing she should’ve had.
Now, feeling unsafe of where she was standing, she slowly raised her head and looked non directly at her surroundings.  She then quickly shoved the letter between some papers that had been in her mailbox, too.  She casually walked back into her home and didn’t leave at all that day... but even that wasn’t keeping her out of danger. 
Around 10:00, Carrie decided it was best for her to go to bed so she could forget about the letter.  Right before she got under the covers, a knocking was heard at the door.  Giving her a fright, she jumped out of bed and started walking towards the door, soon calling out, “who is it?”  There was no response to be heard, so she continued to walk to the unknown knocking.  She called out once again, “Who is it?”  There was still no answer at the door, but the knocking continued.  Carrie had no porch light, or windows, so the only way she could see who it was, was to open the door itself.  As she put her hands on the doorknob, there was another knock to be heard.  Without saying a thing, Carrie shakily turned the doorknob and pulled the door towards her.  Looking out the door, there was no one to be found… then suddenly a face appeared. 
“Oh my gosh! Why didn’t you ever reply to me?  You scared me to death!”  Carrie opened the door to let her boyfriend, Brian, in the house.  Confused to why she was scared, he went ahead and replied, “I was holding these papers in my mouth because my hands were full and I couldn’t speak back.  I’m sorry, I didn’t know I was gonna scare you, sweetie.”  Brian walked inside the door, sets down all his things, and gives Carrie a big hug.  Carrie, hugging him back, “Of course.  It’s okay, there have just been some strange things happening lately.”  “Tell me what's bothering you Carrie, you know you can always do that,” Brian replied with a worried voice.  She gestures for him to sit down so she can talk to him, “Well it all started with...”  Another knock was at the door.  “Hold that thought!”
Brian jumped out of his chair and opened up the door, but no one could be found.  He walked outside and towards the corner of the house to see if anyone was anywhere around.  Brian was taking a while looking around so Carrie walked to the door, peeked out, and then asked him if he found anything. “There's nothing out here at all that I can find, now you can finally finish telling me what’s been happening.” Brian finished talking and met her in the doorway.  With a little giggle Carrie began, “Well….”  Her jaw quickly dropped.  Confused once again, Brian asked what was wrong.  She still didn’t say a word, but then she quickly pulled him inside the house and slammed the door shut behind them.  “That, that, that was my ex-husband… He was behind you”  Carrie told him, all wide-eyed.
Another letter was then slid under her door. “Carrie, I see you have made your choice.  You have made the wrong one.  Now, it’s my turn to make sure you know that.”  Carrie heavily breathing and nervous, walked into her living room and looked up to the horrific sight of seeing her boyfriend hung from the ledge.  “How… how… how…” Carrie screamed, pouring out crying and not knowing what to do.  Her only thoughts were how in the world did he do this and what was he going to do to her.  Within seconds of finding the body, she heard a voice.  “Oh my lovely Carrie, just wait to see what I have planned for you,” the spine-chilling voice trailed off in the distance, “You’ll never know when to expect it, but just wait.”

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