Murdered | Teen Ink


October 12, 2015
By gissellruizlopez BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
gissellruizlopez BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s 2:23AM when I check the time. As I get up to answer the door. Ring, Ring.
“ I’m coming” I say, reaching the door nomb. When I open the door I see a woman in a black cloak I hear her crying.
“ Come in, come in,” I say in a sweet humble voice.
“They killed him” she said.
“Who?” I responded. Then I think to myself this voice sounds very familiar. As I see her uncloaking herself,she says,
“My brother. “ She while wiping tears off her face.
“Leslie Turner, so what brings you here?” I asked.
Leslie Turner and I used to be close before she moved out of New Orleans.Now that I think of it no one knew where they moved to.
“I’m here to find out who killed my brother, or is that too complicated for New Orlean’s greatest homicide detective.”
“No, I mean other than that, what made you return to New Orleans."
"Nothing that's concerns you at the moment."
"Before I start you need to tell me everything from the last time you saw your brother to now , I'm going to need you to speak loudly and clearly so I can write all of this down.”
"Ok, do you want me to start now-"
"Yeah just try to remember every exact detail."
"Ok so as usual we were arguing about random things that didn't even matter but you know John, he loved to argue. After our large argument about nothing he left. Later on in the day when I went to put to get some ingredients to make supper, while I was shopping I heard his scratchy voice. I followed the scratchy voice into the cantina, he was drunk. Then I went inside to get him out but he didn't want to go so I left him. Later on around 2:00 in the morning, he got back. He opens the door comes in saying he was sorry. Then all of the sudden there was a gunshot but it was someone behind him. Then I made my way here."
"So that's all."
"The first thing to do is to head over to the crime scene."
As we made our way to Leslie's house she was blaming herself for her brothers death then I realized that she'd changed since we were kids. When we were kids she used to be the complete opposite; she used to blame everything on her older brother who went missing before Leslie and her family moved out of New Orleans. When we got to Leslie's house, the body was gone.
“This can’t be, the body was here-.”
“Was, past tense.”
As we are about to leave we turn around and all I hear is Leslie shriek, when I turn around I see in blood stains written on the tree “263 OakTree.”
“Isn’t that an address?” Leslie asks  in a questioning voice.
“That isn’t just an address it’s where the old cemetery is,” I respond
“Why would they leave this?”
“I’m about to find out.”
“Obviously I’m the homicide detective here.”
“I don’t mean to burst your bubble but you can’t come.”
“Why he’s my brother?”
“WAS, before he passed away and anyways I have Joe.” Joe is my apprentice he’s been my apprentice for quite awhile and he’s also one of my close friends.
We say our good-byes until we meet again. As we go into the carriage to leave, I think to myself this can this be the greatest case I’ve solved because usually there’s no dead body missing.
“So, another mystery to solve.” said Joe
Joe is my apprentice, he has been my apprentice for two years now.
“Can you not refer our investigations to mysteries, you know how I get.”
“That is exactly why I refer to them as mysteries.”
“I can tell it’s going to be a long night-.”
“Technically it’s morning.”
“I’m not going to argue with you this early.”
As we made our way to the old cemetery which is a two days time, I was stuck on who would go through all this trouble.
“Boss we’re here.” Said Joe
“Keep a lookout for anyone.” I said
“Sure thing.”
As I search the perimeter I notice that all the graves are over 100 years old.
“Boss, we found something.”
“What did you find-”
I was blown away it was John’s body over Nicholas Straits grave.

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