Vacation of a Lifetime | Teen Ink

Vacation of a Lifetime

April 2, 2015
By Rhett_Nichols BRONZE, Fairmont, West Virginia
Rhett_Nichols BRONZE, Fairmont, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you have other things in your life - family, friends, good productive day's work - these can interact with you wirtings and the sum will be all the richer.

     One summer weekend my parents decided to take me camping and get some fresh air away from the city. We were driving down the beautiful back roads of West Virginia. I had my window down, getting some fresh air for my car sickness. The air felt good on my face as we wound down the precariously placed road. Suddenly, with no warning at all, the car tilted to one side and started to roll down the hill. We continued to roll for what felt like an eternity until finally, we came to a sudden rest, upside down in a creek bed.

     Once I knew the car had stopped I crawled out of my window onto the creek bed. I waded out of the water and crawled onto the bank. I sat there for a few seconds waiting for my parents to get out of the car but, nothing moved. I waded out to the passenger side window, which was smashed in from the barrage of summersaults and looked in.

     All I could see was limp arms drooping to the ceiling and looks of terrified horror glued to my parents’ faces from the last moments of their lives. I jumped back from the car and tears start to blur my vision, making the walk back to shore near impossible. As I struggled to the bank I thought to myself
      “This is no time to cry. They could still be alive, you need to go get help.”

     I crawled up the hill following the trail of downed trees, broken glass and the occasional spots of blood splat on the ground and trees until I reached the road that we slid off of. I stood in my spot sitting still. I looked down the hill and saw the car, upside down, in the creek, and wondered how I ever survived that crash.

     I started walking up the hill towards the top where I could get cell phone service to call 911. The hill was steep, but I did not seem to have any trouble climbing it.
      “Must be the adrenaline” I thought to myself “I’ve got to hurry before it wears off.” Not long after I started up the hill a car came barreling down the hill towards me. I tried to flag the driver down, but he just kept driving past as if he didn’t see me.

     When I finally reached the top of the hill, I looked down at my cell phone. I had service that means I can call 911. I dialed in the number and waited for the reply
     “911 what is your emergency” a calm, young female voice called over the phone to me.
     “My parents’ car rolled over the hill and I think they are badly hurt!” I exclaimed into my phone.
     “Okay do you know where you are at?” she says while I heard typing on a keyboard in the background.
     “I don’t know. I just climbed the hill we crashed on and called you.” I start to tear up again trying to remember anything I saw that might help them get here quicker.
     “Your parents’ car sent an alarm when they crashed so there are already rescue teams on the way. Please go back towards the crash site so they can find you.”

     After I walked down the hill and got to the crash scene I sat down on a rock a little ways from the crash scene. After a second I turn my face from the crash, I couldn’t bear to see it any longer. I sat for a couple minutes in complete silence, mourning with the forest as if it knew what had happened too. After a couple minutes an ambulance came and two large men carefully walked down the hill with a stretcher in-between them. Before they reached the bottom of the hill three more vehicles, with sirens blaring, stopped at the edge of the road and six more men came down to the crash seen.

     They started working at the front seat of the car. I walked over to where they were to see if my parents were alive. Miraculously, they pulled both of them out and they were breathing. While I was standing there I see them pulling at something in the back seat of the car. I wondered what it could have been since I was the only one in the back seat. I waded out to the passenger window, which was completely smashed inform the barrage of summersaults and looked in. All I could see was limp arms drooping to the ceiling and the terrified look of horror glued to my face from the last moments of my life.

The author's comments:

This is my first uploads and one of my first hard writing works. Please, tell me how I am doing and if you like this.

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