The Reflection | Teen Ink

The Reflection

December 3, 2014
By JMAKA BRONZE, Allegan, Michigan
JMAKA BRONZE, Allegan, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 “Get out of my room, you little brat. Or I’ll chop off all your hair.” I snarled at my ANNOYING little sister, Clary. She stood in my doorway, her blonde hair falling around her face, shading her eyes. “But, I just wanted you to help me with my picture.” She squeaked. “I jumped up and grabbed my scissors. I raised them towards her. “Don’t make me use these!” She squealed and spun and ran. I laughed in delight and slammed my bedroom door shut and locked it.
I sat back down in front of my mirror and began gently brushing my hair. I stared at my reflection. “Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who’s the prettiest one of them all? Oh, yeah. That would be me.” My lips curled into a smile. I hummed while I brushed my hair.
Then, my reflection blinked. But I didn’t. I set down my brush. My reflection was still brushing her hair. I did everything I could not to jump up and run. Instead, I forced courage. “What the heck.” I spat out. The reflection stopped and stared at me. I got up and slowly moved over to my bed. The reflection followed my every move. I sat back down in front of my mirror. “What do you want?” I asked, slightly annoyed. She still didn’t say anything. Suddenly, she reached through the mirror and grabbed my shoulders. I screamed as she pulled me through the mirror, onto her side.
“Sam?” Clary called out from outside my bedroom door. “Are you in there?” I pounded on the mirror. I screamed, and screamed, and screamed. I was stuck in the mirror and I couldn’t get out. And my reflection just sat there. Staring at me. Watching my every movement.

The author's comments:

Do you ever glance in the mirror and wonder if there's a whole different world on the other side? 

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