Something in the Mist | Teen Ink

Something in the Mist

October 10, 2014
By KylieLynn97 BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
KylieLynn97 BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you're not first, you're last." - Reese Bobby (Ricky Bobby's father)

The morning sun glittered into the room from the basement window.  The quiet lull of birds chirping filled the autumn air.  Kids were getting ready to go to school, parents getting ready for work, and businesses beginning to open up.  All was right in the small neighborhood of Pinepond, Wisconsin, or so everybody thought.


In the peaceful darkness of the night before, the low-laying mist had rolled in, indicating a full moon.  While everyone was asleep, the ground and surrounding terrain become a faint gray.  The roots of trees were unnoticeable, the grass seemed to completely vanish.  The distant sound of dogs howling at the moon could be heard.


Strange things were said to happen at night when there’s a full moon.  No one wanted to be outside when the mist rolled in.  It was rumored that twenty years earlier a boy named Derek Ward disappeared after he went out at night into the mist.  He and a couple of friends were known to stay out late and vandalize property in the night.  They would split up and go to different residences. 


Derek decided to go down to the backside of town this time and see what damage he could do.  He walked down the main road until he came to an old dirt road.  As he continued down the road, the mist started to sweep across the ground.  When he reached the corner of Eastbush and Orwald, it encircled his feet.  Two hands wrapped around his ankles and pulled his feet out from under him.  His fingers dug into the dirt and hollered as loud as he could as he was dragged into the tree line.  He was never seen or heard from again.

Matt Clark stretched out his limbs and rolled over.  He opened his eyes just in time to catch himself from falling off the edge of the bed.  When his eyes adjusted, he shuffled onto his back, startled.  This wasn’t his bed.  This wasn’t his room.  Where was he?  He got up out of the bed and looked around at his surroundings trying to make out where he could be.  The last thing he remembers is walking down the road around midnight the night before. 

He walked over to where the morning sun was glittering in.  He could see the ground from the window.  He realized that he must be underground, perhaps in a basement.  His eyes scanned the room.  There wasn’t much light except for the sun, so he couldn’t make out a lot of the area.

The sun shone onto a corner of the room.  It highlighted a shelf on the wall.  Matt walked over to it and saw a cellphone.  He opened it up and started looking through it.  He found a message from an unknown number that was sent the night before.  He viewed it and read it aloud to himself.

“Meet me at the corner of Eastbush and Orwald.”

That’s where he last remembers being.  Why would someone be going there, he thought?  He closed off the message and see if he could get service.  Everywhere he turned, he didn’t get a bar.  Angry, he shoved the phone in his pocket.  He frantically looked around the basement to see if he could find a way out.  He couldn’t stay here any longer.  He had to get home. 

He looked back up to the window.  He saw that he could push it out and climb through it.  The only obstacle was that it had a lock on it.  He tried all he could to push it open but it was locked.  He scoured the room and found a tool box.  He dug through it for almost an hour before he came up empty handed. 
As he got up from the floor, his eye caught something gold.  There on the floor across the room, a small gold key was gleaming from the sun.  But, to his disappointment, the key didn’t fit the lock after many failed attempts.  He shoved the key into his pocket and decided to thoroughly scan the rest of the room.  He didn’t have any light so he took out the cellphone and used that. 

At the very back of the room in the pitch dark there was a white door.  He saw that it had a lock so he tried the gold key and to his amazement, it fit.  He opened up the door which led to a dark hallway.  He proceeded carefully.  He slowly made his way to the end, where a winding staircase started.  He took his first step, but quickly jumped back when a small mouse ran across his foot.  He started again, and crept his way toward the top. 
At the top, was another door.  He carefully twisted the handle and opened it.  The small room shone with mid-afternoon sun.  To the left was an old organ with cobwebs hanging off of it.  To the right another door.  He opened the door to find a lightly lit room.  He felt on the wall for a light switch.  He flicked it on and the room filled with light. 

The room resembled a living room.  An old television stood in the corner with a couch and matching recliner in the middle of the room.  The coffee table had assorted books scattered on top of it.  Wallpaper hung off the wall in little strips.  A layer of dust covered everything in the room.  On each on the walls, a different colored door lay, one blue, one red, and one white.
Matt reached for the blue handle first.  As he opened the door, a loud creak filled the atmosphere.  The hallway was lined with a dark blue carpet and light blue walls.  At the end of the hallway, lay a bright blue vase on top of a royal blue stand.  Matt shook his head trying to wrap his mind around the weirdness of the place.  He continued down the hall until he reached another blue door.  He opened and was lead into the living room again.  He walked in and shut the door.  He had came from the red door.  Puzzled, he opened the red door and saw a dark red carpet and red walls.  At the end of the hallway lay a bright red vase on top of a red stand. 

Matt ran down the hallway and found another red door.  To his bewilderment, it led to the living room again.  He figured out that he came from the white door this time.  He stepped out of the doorway and made his way over to the white door.  When he opened the door, the same thing was in the other rooms, but white this time.  Frantically, he ran through the hallway to another door.  This door wasn’t white, though.  It was black.  He hesitantly opened the door and was led to the basement.
Angrily, he slammed the door shut and sat on the floor.  How could this be, he thought.  How is this remotely possible?  What kind of sick place is this?  He got back up and opened the basement door again.  This time it was different than before.  There was no hallway or winding staircase.  Now there was a bedroom. 

In the bedroom there was a nightstand next to the bed with a phone on it.  Matt ran over to the phone and picked it up.  He threw it on the floor when there was no dial tone.  He turned around and noticed an orange door.  He opened it and found a room that had no walls, just doors.  No matter what door he went into, he was always led back to the same room.  After he tried all the doors, he noticed that the door he came in from had vanished.  He kept trying the doors again and again, searching for a way out.

Matt never found a way out, just like Derek.  Derek had found himself in the same situation.  No one knows about this house or where the boys disappeared.  No one witnessed the boys being taken.  The mist is a powerful being.  You do not want to be caught in it.  If you are, let’s just hope that you are strong enough to overcome its power.

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