Manhattan Murderer | Teen Ink

Manhattan Murderer

October 6, 2014
By Savannah Davison BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
Savannah Davison BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Manhattan Murderer

Mandy Olsen was taking her 49 year old mother to her annual birthday lunch. Jill Olsen was the light of her life. Mandy was taking Jill to her favorite restaurant in all of New York. Randy’s Fine Italian Bar and Grill. As they came in, Mandy chose to sit in Jill’s favorite seat by the window.
“So, mom? Are you excited to be 49?” asked Mandy while sitting down. Jill looked away slowly and sighed
“Oh mom, don’t be upset.”
For the rest of lunch, Mandy talked about how much she appreciated her mom. Although, Mandy felt an odd suspicion all throughout lunch. She felt as if her and her mom were being watched. She looked around for anything odd. Then she saw him. She had locked eyes with a man who was staring at her from the bar.
James-Logan looked away quickly. Had he just blew it? He’d been watching the ladies by the window for the past 30 minutes, and now they had locked eyes. As friendly as possible, James put on his best smile and went over to meet the lovely ladies.
“Hey ladies!” said James walking upon them. “Could I get y’all a drink?”
“Oh no, we were just leaving,” said Jill pushing up her chair and grabbing Mandy by the hand.
Without backing off, James stepped quietly out the door behind them. If he wanted to remember them, he would need a few pictures and a location. James did not like the attitude that the older women gave him. He would need to get rid of her if he wanted the younger girl to himself. He overheard the women talking and found out their names. Mandy and Jill.
Mandy dropped her mom off at her old apartment just a few blocks away from the restaurant, and walked over to her boyfriend’s place. Bo and Mandy had been dating for quite a while and things were going great. Mandy got to Bo’s a little early, and he wasn’t home yet, so she just waited. After about 20 minutes, Bo came home and they went in to watch a movie.
James-Logan had almost all the information he needed. He knew where the mother lived and the boyfriend. All he needed now was the address of his queen Mandy. He tried to stay on the low, but he had been sitting outside Bo’s house for over an hour. He wanted to go home! Finally, Mandy walked out of the house. James followed her home while staying low and out of sight. He needed to know where Mandy lived in case he lost her. Then he would know where to go look for her. “First things first,” thought James while walking home from Mandy’s condo, “I need to get rid of all the close friends and family so I’ll have the girl all to myself.”
The next day, James went to his local store to develop the pictures he took of the girl and boy. Walking home, James scanned through the pictures he’d takin and smiled. His plan was falling right into place. James had to hurry though if he wanted to stay on schedule. Today, he only planned to take care of the mother. When he got home, James went to his bathroom and grabbed a pair of latex gloves. He stuck them in his pocket and was gone.
Jill Olsen was cooking breakfast for herself like she did every Saturday morning. As she was spooning the scrambled eggs onto her plate, she heard her front door slam shut. Jill dropped the pan at the sound. She turned around frightened. But, she didn’t see anything. She walked to the window by the front door, to see if anyone was there. Suddenly, Jill felt hands around her neck, and she fell to the ground.
Mandy couldn’t at all believe was she was hearing. Here she was standing in her front door, listening to this police office tell her that her mother had passed away early this morning. “How could this have happened?’ thought Mandy. “I just dropped her off yesterday afternoon.”
“Ma’am?” said the police officer. “Is there somewhere you could stay for a few days?”
“Oh, yes” said Mandy still trying to grasp the thought off her mother being gone. “I can stay over at my boy friend’s house.”
“Okay, if you need anything just call us,” said the officer leaving. Mandy called Bo and made plans to stay with him. She packed her things and left.
James-Logan had done it. He had gotten rid of Mandy’s mom! He didn’t have much news on Mandy’s whereabouts. But, today he was going to get the boyfriend. James didn’t want to kill the boy like he had done with the mother. No, no, no. He just wanted to make sure that Mandy would look for him, and come to James. Then James would slowly kill the boy so that Mandy would know that James was the one for her and not him. This time for the kidnapping, James only needed one black sack, and a pair of handcuffs.
When Mandy got to Bo’s, she couldn’t do anything but cry. All she had left in her was tears. Bo was out getting them something to eat. He had just left, so Mandy put in a movie and started watching. About 40 minutes later, Mandy woke up. She had fallen asleep during her movie.
“Bo!” yelled Mandy. “Are you here?” Where is he? Mandy thought to herself. If he wasn’t home by now, something must be wrong. Mandy got her cell phone out and called Bo. No answer. Then Mandy did the only thing she could do, she dialed 911.
This was it, thought James. This was going to be his favorite part. James caught Bo at the Chinese restaurant on Park Avenue. He had been trailing the boy in his car. He thought the boy would’ve put up more of a fight, but he didn’t. James had come up behind him, as he was walking out of the store. He put the sack over his head, and threw him into the trunk. James was home now and he put the boy in a chair, with his feet and hands strapped down. Bo’s phone had been ringing constantly, but James didn’t want to answer it. He didn’t want anybody to know about his kidnapping. After about 20 minutes of waiting, it was time for James to go get Mandy. He put tape over Bo’s mouth, put the sack over his head, and left.
It was about 10 o-clock and Mandy couldn’t wait for the police. She went outside to walk around and calm herself. As Mandy was walking past the drug store, a car pulled up next to her. The man asked her if everything was okay. Mandy didn’t want to get into trouble, and she didn’t need to talk to a strange man that she had never seen before. But, as Mandy kept looking at the man, she noticed something. She had seen him before! He was the man that she’d seen at the bar! He seemed pretty nice then, maybe he could help her now.
“Wait, wait!” yelled Mandy “I’m looking for my boyfriend Bo! I don’t know where he is. Do you think you could help me look for him?”
“Sure,” said James showing his best fake smile. “Wait, your boyfriends name is Bo Sims? I work with him down at the video store! He told me that he needed to run back by there! Hop in, I’ll drive you over.” Mandy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She got into the car and sat still. She still had tears in her eyes, but she was hopeful. James tried not to seem suspicious, but he was beyond happy that his plan was working out smoothly.
Bo absolutely couldn’t believe this. Here he was worried sick about Mandy while trapped here by this man. Bo needed to get out. He yanked his hands for a few minutes and finally he got them out. Then with his hands he took off the sack and duct tape. All he needed now were his legs. As he undid the rope around his legs, he heard a car pulling up. Bo grabbed the nearest thing he could, and went to hide.
James walked in with the gun to Mandy’s head. He nearly lost it when he saw that the boy was gone. But, instead he just pushed the gun in closer to Mandy’s head.
“Boy you better come out, or you will never see her again.” Bo, as quietly as he could came up behind James and BAM! He’d hit James with a piece of plywood. James fell over and Mandy grabbed the gun. “Bo, I can’t do it.” Yelled Mandy. Without hesitation, Bo took the gun and shot the guy in the back of the head.
By this time, Mandy was crying so hard she could barely see. Bo turned around and grabbed Mandy in a hug. “Sh. Sh.” whispered Bo. “It’s over, it’s just me and you.”

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