the wind came a blowing | Teen Ink

the wind came a blowing

May 1, 2014
By suzieqa SILVER, Hemet, California
suzieqa SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life in not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away

It was a cold windy night around 2am when the dog started to bark. now this may not seem starange to you but this dog never barked at anything,EVER!!! somthing is moving outside, it creeps slowly and gets slower with every inch closer. Its hard to make out but as i look out my window i can see it. it looks large and stands on two feet and it looks a tad bit hary everywhere. now you dont know this about me but im a nervouse eater so, i opened up my nightstand drower and start munching on some corn on the cob. finally the thing is near my door i hold my breath hoping not to make a sound. than i hear it, its faint at first and slowly it getts lounder and louder and more and more interns. by the time i get the courage to go to the door im sure the thing is gone. it must have been knocking for a good couple minets. in a faint wraddly voice i barly escape the sounds that sounds like who is it. And is this deep gragaly voice answers angrly " its your uncle jimmy". you see i had totally forgotten to pick him up from the airport earlier that day. And he had to walk twenty seven mile to get to my one room ranch house. which explains why he was there at 2am. i fainlly let him in and tell him that i am sorry i forgot to pick him up but the damage is done and i dont think he can ever forgive me for forgetting him.

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