Let's Play | Teen Ink

Let's Play

February 20, 2014
By ForeverAvailable SILVER, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania
ForeverAvailable SILVER, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Keep your hopes up high and your head down low" ADTR

“ “My name is , the clown. I am going to tell you a story” Schiz said
Ashley and I stared at him unable to move then the clown continued talking.
Schiz spoke again. “See, some people dress up as clowns to play a part. What most people don't know is that there are real clowns, like me, that don't need face paint of a fake nose to look this way”

Schiz did this clown laugh that send chills down my entire body. I looked at Ashley who was wide eyed and terrified then I looked back to the clown who proceeded to tell us his story.
“It was just another night, another birthday party for a child. It had been at least a week since my last. I craved to take another child. My thirst for blood growing more intense by the second. I went through the birthday party as usual. Blew up balloons for the kids, honked my nose and squirted water out of a flower. I looked for the kid without a parent there, finally, I spotted him.

The party was over and he was sitting on the curb waiting for a parent I assumed. I looked all around and saw no one in sight. When the time was just right I grabbed the child and threw him into my large white van. There were no windows so no one could see the child I had in the back.

I asked him what his name way, he told me it was Jason.
Jason cried and begged me to take him home, obviously I ignored him. I took him to my house and was very scrupulous about getting him inside”

Schiz paused, a sinister look filled his eyes as he gave a dark smile. Ashley moved closer to me and took my hand. I squeezed her hand trying to comfort her. The clown continued speaking.

“I took little Jason inside and sat him at the table as I sharpened my knife anticipating taking the life of another. To drink the blood of a innocent child.
You see, I had killed so many that I got, well, comfortable. I became careless, thinking a child would never fight back. As I sharpened my knife to perfection I thought of all the children I had stolen life from. I saw all there faces, I couldn't wait any longer!”

Schiz yelled then his face dropped, hatred filled his eyes and his smile was no more.

“I turned to little Jason, he had a gun pointed at me. He told me to let him go or he would shoot. I laughed, a innocent child couldn't kill? Right? No, I was wrong. Jason shot me, right in the head”

A dark fire filled Schiz eyes.

“A child killed me!” Schiz yelled.

The lights flickered and everything in the room shook.
My name is Tyler, I guess I should explain how I got to this point. How I was hearing a story from a psycho dead clown. Ashley was over at my house for a sleepover, my parents were out of town so I was able to have my girlfriend over for the night. I wanted to scare her, so she would want to cuddle all night. That's why I got out the wedgie board. I never believed in that kind of thing, I just wanted to freak her out. We messed with it for a while. We talked to Schiz the clown through the board, Ashley thought I was messing with her, so she told the clown to prove he was real. That's when the lights went out, they came back on and there he was in front of us.

That was over a year ago, I don't remember what happened after the lights flickered and the room shook. I just remember telling my parents what had happened when they got home the next day. Of course they didn't believe me and Ashley was to scared to tell the truth so they sent me away. I have been here ever since, in the hospital. The nurses are cruel and everyone here is crazy! I don't belong here!

I've been here for over a year now! When am I getting out? Writing in this journal is the only thing that keeps me 'sane'.
Several months later

I got out today, no more being held against my will! It's time to get my life back! No more of this clown crap.”

As I read this he laughed, I had been waiting here in Tylers room since he got sent away, waiting for his return. I hid in his closet as he came in and sat his journal down on his bed. When he was gone, that is what I had read. “No more of this clown crap” the words repeated in my head as I laughed again. I waited patiently for Tyler to return to his room.

“Schiz what are you doing here!?” Tyler yelled in terror

“Oh my boy I have been waiting for you” I said with a devious smile as I made his journal float in the air.

“Quite a interesting journal you have kept” I said looking at Tyler.

“You read it” Tyler said, stuttering through his words.

I smiled as I smelt his terror. Tyler tried to run but I am dead, you can't run from the dead. After playing with him for a while I made a knife plunge into his chest.

'Kill, blood, kill, blood' those words ran through my mind on repeat. I finally felt myself again, I felt alive.I watched from his closet and snickered as the cops declared his death as a suicide. Now I lurk in the closet of kids and teenagers. Watching, stalking, planning and killing.

“You can run, but you can't hide. Let's play anyway? It's fun for me but not for you, I am Schiz the clown”

The author's comments:
I have a fear of clowns. I have for a while now. Think about it, your whole life you are told to not take candy from strangers, unless that stranger is a clown. Clowns wear face paint so you can't see them and they work with children, can you say pedo?

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