Who's There? | Teen Ink

Who's There?

February 13, 2014
By 16ahrnsk BRONZE, New Bremen, Ohio
16ahrnsk BRONZE, New Bremen, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

*BANG BANG BANG* We all simultaneously stopped talking and turned our heads to the door, which was creepy considering the fact that none of us ever shut up. Our gazes all turned to Ella as her eyes opened wide. “Who could that be? We are in the middle of a woods,” she said, all of our hearts rapidly beating. She was right… we were in a cabin, in the middle of a woods that absolutely nobody knew about except us. Technically, the cabin was owned by the multi-millionaire father of Ella, but since he owns an abundance of land, companies, and houses, he doesn’t even remember signing a contract for this small, dingy cabin.

“What if it’s the cops? We’d all get in trouble,” I said. It was true. This is where we came when we wanted to have a little fun...it was always trouble. I can remember the last time we came out here; basically the entire school came to celebrate the winning of our state championship in football. Everyone lifted our star quarterback up in the air, as if he were somebody famous. People climbed on top of the cabin and started dancing to the music, and one of the linebackers, a really big guy, jumped down the chimney, as if he was Santa Clause. Everyone was laughing and having a great time.
Since we had to keep the location of the cabin under wraps, we always had to pick up whoever wanted to come out and stupidly enough, they had to wear blindfolds the entire ride. Ella always just told us that her dad could get into some serious trouble if anyone found out we were here, so we all swore we would never let out a peep; I always wondered what kind of trouble Ella was talking about. This cabin was literally in the middle of nowhere, which was a huge advantage; we could blare the music as loud as we wanted…none of us wanted the privileges taken away.
“Someone go upstairs and look down from the balcony window. See who is here. As for everyone else, stay quiet and slowly dim the lights,” Ella ordered. I decided to volunteer to look down the balcony window, along with Sarah. Kendra was by the wall dimming the lights, making it hard to see where I was going.
“Go a little faster,” Sarah told me.
“I’m going, chill,” I snapped.
We crept our way up the steps and took a sharp right. I was trying to grab onto something in front of me to guide the way… the farther up the steps we got, the darker it became. I had barely gone up these stairs before since nobody ever had the desire to wonder up to the balcony. It was usually dark and cold, so what was the point. We walked a little longer until we reached our destination. The view from the balcony window had a perfect angle to see the front porch, and basically the whole rest of the front yard, surrounded by tons of trees and bushes. Sarah and I poked our heads just over the tip of the window to see who stood at the door step.

“What? I can’t see. Something is blocking the view,” I said. The perfect view we used to have was blocked by what looked like a sheet that somebody must have draped in front of the window; I know for a fact that none of us girls put it there. I’ve never been scared at this cabin until now, I felt uneasy.

“What in the world?! Well, who do you think it is then?” Sarah asked.

“I have no clue. Why would anyone be this deep in the woods anyways? The hiking trail for tourists is at least 6-7 miles away. Literally nobody comes out this way, not even the hunters,” I said.

“I know… this is getting weird. You go back down, and I’ll stay up here to keep on the watch,” she remarked. I nod. Of all our friends, Sarah had the guts, which made me so thankful. She can do anything without a worry, which meant I didn’t have to. I make my way back down the stairs and everyone’s gazes were on me, wanting to know who it was.

“We can’t see. Something is in the way”. Everyone’s faces drained. Ella was trying to keep her cool, but you could tell she was getting frightened. Right as she was opening her mouth to talk, we heard another loud banging on the door, only it wasn’t from the front, it was from the back. My heart sank, I wanted to curl up in a ball and just go home. This “girls’ weekend” was turning into a bad idea after all.

“You know what? I’m just going to open the door,” Ella said, and she fiercely walked her way over to the door. We braced ourselves as she turned the lock, then the nob. It was the moment of truth… Who is at the unknown cabin? She opens the door and quickly shuts it.

“Who was it?” we asked.

“Nobody is there,” she states, her eyes watering.

My phone begins to buzz notifying that I have a text… An unknown number. It states, I see you. Come out, come out wherever you are. My face turns white.

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This article has 1 comment.

Carlito1012 said...
on Feb. 26 2014 at 12:04 pm
Carlito1012, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Noooo ! That cant be the end :( it was getting so good ;/