Love Lasts Forever | Teen Ink

Love Lasts Forever

December 20, 2013
By Liv_Cahoon_ BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Liv_Cahoon_ BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever been so crazy in love that you would literally do or be anywhere with that person? Love is a funny thing though, one day you never want to live without them and the next you wish you'd never met them. But I was once in love, that was until he died…
“Mom, I’m going out! I’ll be back in a few hours!” I yelled up the stairs.
“Whatever Hailey.” She called back drunken.
I stepped out of the house into the cool, brisk autumn breeze. It was near the end of sunset and I could see stars dance across the sky. I jumped into my car and quickly started it, anxious to leave. I really hated even being near my house and mother. She was always drunk and passed out. My dad had left us many years ago, so I was pretty much on my own.
After about a ten minute drive, I arrived at the cliff overlooking most of Denver. I parked my car and stepped out. I breathed in the chilly night air and waited for Zack. I decided to sit on the edge while I waited for him, and I looked up at the now dark sky and watched the stars dance across it.
I heard the sound of a car come closer and closer until I heard it park somewhere near mine. I heard the door open and his footsteps approaching me.
“Hey beautiful.” He sweetly said.
“Hi.” I glumly said back.
“What’s wrong?” He asked worriedly.
“Umm, well I’m sick of my mom, like I seriously just live alone because she’s always out at the bar or drinking at home or she’s passed out! I just want to run away!” I yelled.
“I’ll go with you.” He calmly said.
“No, we are only sixteen I couldn’t ask you to do that!” I declared.
“Let’s go right now, c’mon I’m serious. We can drive further up this cliff! I’m sure there’s an abandoned house up here somewhere. Think about it, just me and you together without your crazy mom.”
“Well, ok. I’ll just leave my car down here and we can come get it in the morning.” I stated.
We stood up and got into his car. He started down the long, dark, narrow road into the dense forest ahead. It was now very dark out so he switched his lights on. About fifteen minutes later, we came upon an old, medium sized house. It was defiantly abandoned by the way the yard and front porch looked.
“Perfect, we defiantly hit the jackpot.” Zack said, scanning his eyes over the lot.
Around three hours later , we were settled in on an old couch in front of the fireplace. We were having a nice conversation, when suddenly a loud thud comes from upstairs. I shot up straight and could feel my face going pale. I sensed another presence and got a queasy feeling in my stomach.
“Babe just lay back down it’s nothing, probably just an animal or something.” Zach said soothingly.
“No, seriously I think someone or something is here. I have an odd feeling and the voice inside my head is telling me to get out now.”
Suddenly, footsteps scurried above across the upstairs. They moved onto the stairs and slowly the stairs creaked with each step.
“I’m leaving now! Hurry up and let’s go!” I whispered loudly.
“Don’t. Move.” He quietly commanded.
We bent down and crawled under the table. We waited and listened. It was dead silent until all the lights went out. The temperature dropped at least twenty degrees and we heard a high pierced yowl that sounded like a police siren. Then we heard the sound of nails scratching on the wooded floor.
“I see you.” A very gruff voice said.
A figure as black as night stepped off the stairs. I froze. I knew I had to get out of there now. I looked over at Zach and he was wide eyed as well. He grabbed my head and kissed me. Then, he got up and rushed over to the front door. Whatever that thing was followed him.
“Hahaha! Think you can outrun me?! Nice try!” The figure yelled.
It then pounced onto Zach sending them both hard onto the ground. I didn’t know what to do; I sat there in shock then realizing that the thing was here to kill.
“NO!” I screamed, but it was too late. Zach’s insides were no longer on the inside. It was tearing him apart, and consuming his organs. I knew that was going to be me if I didn’t leave now.
I dashed out the door, tripping over the carpet. Oh my gosh, shoot. I need to get up now or I’m going to die I thought to myself.
“Hahah where do you think you’re going?” He snickered.
I started crawling, dragging my bloody foot behind me.
“Don’t worry, you can be with your boyfriend now.” He chuckled.
“NO!” I shrieked. With that, he plunged the knife deep into my gut.
With that I took my last breath to pull a nail out of the floor and shove it straight into his throat.
“I guess I’ll be seeing you too.” I sneered.

And that’s where I am now, in heaven. Dead. It’s actually not that bad though because now I don’t have to deal with my drunk mother and I get to spend the rest of eternity with Zach. So I guess our love is everlasting and we have a pretty cool story to tell together.

The author's comments:
True love will always last...

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