Street Lights and the Moon | Teen Ink

Street Lights and the Moon

October 1, 2013
By kbowden13 BRONZE, Maumee, Ohio
kbowden13 BRONZE, Maumee, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the arc and professionals built the Titanic."

As I walk down the sidewalk, all I hear are the leaves under my feet. I hear the wind blowing in my ear, but something tells me I’m not alone. I feel someone following me, watching me and everything I do. It is ten o’clock on a Friday and I’m walking back from the café, alone. My house is about three blocks away, that means three blocks to walk by myself. I start to feel my heart beating, racing, pounding out of my chest. I get a feeling of uneasiness and I walk a little faster, looking behind me every second, panicking. Am I going to make it home?

I stop by a park bench, illuminated by a street light on the corner. I sit and catch my breath. The moon is bigger and brighter tonight than it has ever been this month. It lights the darkness with a pale glow. The wind starts to pick up, moving leaves across the street back and forth, creating a crunchy sound. I zip up my jacket and fasten my scarf a little tighter. I gather my things and continue to walk home.

Something’s still not right. I’m not alone. I know someone’s behind me, and it’s not my shadow. I dropped one of my books and hesitated about picking it up; but I kept on walking. Eventually my walk turns into a jog. I hear footsteps echo back and I realize it’s not me. I turn around and I’m faced with my shadow.

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