Twisted Secrets | Teen Ink

Twisted Secrets

September 18, 2013
By Morgan Parsons BRONZE, Rushville, MO, Missouri
Morgan Parsons BRONZE, Rushville, MO, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was always invisible, never really noticed, and never that popular kid in school. I made a promise to myself that someone someday would recognize me. This was the day that everyone was going to remember me.

I went to school and a boy came up to me.
He asked, “Do you know where History 101 is?’’
“Yeah I’m headed that way so I will walk with you.’’

“Hi. My name’s Jaden.’’

“My name’s Hanna.’’ I whispered in my books as my hair fell in my face. He took his hand and put the long, shiny piece behind my ear. When I took my eyes up they met with his big blue eyes. He had short blonde hair and his ears were just a little big. His lips were small, but his nose was too. I instantly thought that I liked him, but I just met the guy. How could I like a guy I just met?

We went to History 101 and he sat beside me. I watched as his hands grabbed his pencil and began writing. He had long fingers with bit down fingernails. His palm was huge, but perfect. I caught myself staring at him when all I heard was teacher say, “We have a big test tomorrow, so I want you guys to find a study partner and study together.”

Jaden came up to me and said, “You wanna study?’’ I shook my head yes.

We went back to my house after school and we studied for 2 hours. We were lying on my bed when Jaden said, “I almost killed someone.”


“It was self-defense. The man walked up to me and threatened me. I didn’t know what to do, so I stood there. He pulled out a knife and demands me to give him my money. I was scared, so I turned around and jabbed the knife in him. When I ran away I stopped and I turned around and he wasn’t dead.”

I didn’t know what to say. This guy I like goes and stabs someone. I have thought about doing it, but I never thought someone I know would do something like this. I was confused, but excited at the same time. I wanted to know how it felt. I wanted to feel the adrenaline that he felt. The next thing I know I say, “How was it?”

“What?” he said.

“I mean how did it feel to you? Did you feel bad?”

“I didn’t feel right, but I didn’t feel bad either.”

I could tell he was lying, but didn’t say anything.

At school I saw Jaden hanging out with Carson. Carson was one of those popular kids that only people he liked could hang out with him. He was one of those boys that had two friends that followed him everywhere. Carson was tall with light brown hair. He had facial features that looked perfect with a just right nose, and big brown eyes. He wore blue jeans all the time and a different girl every week. I found myself attracted to him, but I would was never going to go out with him for one week. Besides I liked Jaden a lot more. When I went up to talk to Jaden I said,” Hey. Do you wanna study again tonight because the test was moved to Tuesday.”
“Ok, do you wanna study at my house or what?”
“I honestly could care less.”
I walked off and went and cried for 30 minutes in the bathroom stall. My eyes had enough to where I was crying this time and no tears were coming out. I finally pulled myself together and went to math. I sat by Jaden so I really wasn’t happy when I walked in. he just ignored me in that class too. I passes a note saying, ‘’Text me later. I need to ask you something.
He replied, “Ok.’’
Later that day, when I was at home, I never got a text. I texted him first and said, “Why didn’t you text me?”
He answered, “Sorry. I was busy.”
It was Saturday, so I went to the park. It was around 9:00 p.m., so nobody was around. I was thinking about killing myself, but when this girl came up I saw my opportunity and I took it. I saw the knife go in and blood instantly covered my face. She had a horrified look that would haunt me forever, but I didn’t care. I stabbed again and blood was pouring out like a fountain. I couldn’t control myself so I stabbed her five more times and she fell. I let her lay there and I watched her die. This put a smile on my face. This was the perfect plan.
I packed up the body and went to the police station.
“I killed this woman,” I said.
I was immediately put in handcuffs and taken to a jail cell. They told me that I had to go to court the next day, so they would decide my punishment. I was at court and the judge said, “Since you killed this woman for no reason we are going to kill you the same way you killed her. We are going to do this because you can’t just go around killing the innocent.” My death sentence was in two days. My parents came to see me.
“Why would you do that?” my mom sobbed.
“My whole life I haven’t been noticed. I just want someone to finally know who I am.”
My parents wept, “We noticed you.”
“You guys never noticed me! Nobody ever has and nobody ever will.” At that moment I saw Jaden walk into the police station. I was wondering what he was doing in handcuffs.
He whispered to me, “You know when I said I almost killed someone? Well I did. I killed him for the same reason you killed the girl. I would go from school to school running from the cops my whole life. Now I have life in jail.” I was so shocked by this, but then out of nowhere Jaden breaks through the cops and reaches down and kissed me. The cops grab him and take off with him. We smiled at each other as he got taken away.

The next day I was standing in a bigger jail cell where there was a TV on behind me. Everybody was watching. Even the parents of the girl I killed were there. I could hear what they were saying on the news. I heard my name on national television! I was now known everywhere! Right before they stabbed me I mouthed the words, “Now everyone knows me.” At that moment I felt the knife go in, out, and back in again. This was the day that the everyone knew who I was.

The author's comments:
i was inspired to write this because most people will do anything to get popular no matter what it is.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 1 2013 at 3:59 pm
Mermaidmissy SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
8 articles 0 photos 136 comments
Hi, I really like your story it was very good, I hope you keep on writing some more. I just loved your work so much. :)