Home Intruder | Teen Ink

Home Intruder

January 14, 2013
By LexiHogarth BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
LexiHogarth BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sound of shattering glass woke up the whole house. Mom and Dad quickly gathered Timmy and Sarah into their room with them. Dad locked everyone in the master bathroom while he went to retrieve his gun. He went downstairs to face the intruder. Mom, Timmy, and Sarah stood for three agonizing moments before anything occurred. They heard a shot. There was silence between the three family members. They heard footsteps creek up the stairs. The footsteps travelled into the master bedroom. "Hello?" the mother called out. The family clenched onto each other as hard as they could. Suddenly, three gunshots blasted through the locked door.

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