Maybe It Happens for a Reason | Teen Ink

Maybe It Happens for a Reason

February 27, 2011
By Nay141 BRONZE, Camarillo, California
Nay141 BRONZE, Camarillo, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is it. It's time to go. I have finally decided to do what I've been contemplating doing for months now. Jump. Maybe everyone will finally see my pain, my hurt. They'll finally see that it wasn't just teenage angst. I just wasn't meant to stay. Maybe everyone will miss me while I'm gone, perhaps they'll even take a while to notice I'm not there anymore. Either way, they'll finally see that I wasn't who they thought I was. I'm a lot more troubled than I seem.
Well, here I am. Standing over the water, thinking about my life, my family, my friends. Looking into the cool, murky water, and wondering, is this really how I want to leave? I'll be leaving behind my whole world. Maybe I shouldn't do it. Or I could at least think about it for a while more. Yes, I won't jump. Not now anyway. I guess I should go home. But as I turn around, I see a man. I wonder what he's doing over there. Just standing in the bushes, lonely and vulnerable, slightly creepy. What could a man be doing out this late? Maybe he's like me. Troubled, and just wanting to leave it all. I should go over there and convince him not to kill himself. Or, if that's not the case, I'll just ask him what he's doing. Oh no. Apparently what he's doing is pulling out a gun and aiming it at me. Why would he want to kill me? What have I ever done to him? I just decided I don't want to die, and now I'm going to be killed. Super. Maybe if I stick to my original plan, and jump, he won't shoot me. Okay, I'm going to jump. ...........................................................
There's a shot, then a splash, and the girl who wanted to die is gone.
She turned up two days after the lonely man with the dangerous mind shot and killed the troubled young girl who was going to jump. The police got a call from a man, telling them where the body was. When they arrived, he was nowhere to be found. They didn't know who he was, or why he called. No one knows why anyone would want to kill the girl, or why she, and her killer, were out so late. Who can say why these things happen? Maybe it happens for a reason.

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