Mrs. Lindson | Teen Ink

Mrs. Lindson

May 2, 2024
By Darlie BRONZE, Novomoskovsk, Other
Darlie BRONZE, Novomoskovsk, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fall in love with yourself, with life, and then with whoever you want"

We have a nice middle-aged neighbor named Mrs. Lindson; she babysits my little sister sometimes, and yesterday I found out her son was dressing up as her this entire time; Mrs. Lindson has been dead for 2 years now...

The author's comments:

My name is Daria, and I'm 16. As a child, I was always praised for reading a lot of books, even my classmates didn't read that much back then. Nevertheless, recently I discovered that I can also write and keep people's attention on my texts. I started with copywriting for my project, but now I'm giving a chance to the competitions. I just love getting new experiences, so it is interesting for me to explore the depths of my emotions through writing, and I sincerely hope that people can find them fascinating and relatable. Sometimes life can be unexpected. That's why I try to catch the tiniest emotions people can ever feel and portray them in my literature. This specific piece is kind of horror, and usually I never write such things. But experiments led to this result, and I like it! I'm quite sensitive and always wondered where to put my emotions, now I see that they fit the best in literature.

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