The Day It Happend | Teen Ink

The Day It Happend

September 8, 2023
By Anonymous

On a Sunday morning Mr. Elsher, a tall white man woke up and went into his bathroom and looked in the mirror. In the mirror he saw himself, his true self and he looked unnormal like a deranged person. He had a long hard look in that mirror and his thoughts ran wild. He then ascended upstairs into his bedroom. He opened his closet door and picked out an old, antiquated outfit and then proceeded to put it on. As he was putting his clothes on, he looked at his body and his thoughts ran wild like a nut job. He then proceeded to his quiet room to calm his thoughts.

As he sat there trying to calm them, they got louder. His thoughts began to “BANG BANG BANG!” It started to drive him crazy, so he went to grab his banal tan and fluffy childhood stuffed animal bear to calm him and think about his life as a child and it usually would work for him. He held onto it very tight and turned on his music. As he held onto it and hummed the song that played out loud,  his mind began to clear a little. Then out of no where his horrid thoughts came back and tricked Mr. Elsher. He started to rock back and forth still while humming and clinging to the stuffed bear, but his thoughts didn’t calm so he started to rock and hum harder and harder and louder. None of his coping mechanisms were working for him that he worried so much he began to cry. Then Mr. Elsher was screaming so loud that his window cracked but his thoughts still weren’t calm. He couldn’t take it anymore he then got in his old rusty pickup truck and started driving.

Mr. Elsher arrived at his destination his therapist. He walked in and told Ms. Miller that he needs an emergency session. She proceeds to nod at him and said, “Sit down Mr. Elsher what’s the problem today”. He sat there in clandestine, so he got up and walked around. He then grabbed a toy train off Ms. Millers desk with his blood and veins pulsing. He began to fiddle with it and finally told his therapist “I don’t think that I am normal”. She looked at him in confusion, worry and with question. She took a deep breath and sat up and began to talk to Mr. Elsher. Even though he talked about his problems he was still holding back on what his thoughts really were. He eventually told his therapist after a long talk that he is okay. He got up off his chair and walked out the door. He then drove home.

Mr. Elsher finally walked through his door and his thoughts were still going psycho. He walked back in the restroom and looked in the mirror. Mr. Elsher said, “How can I have these thoughts, why do I want to kill somebody”! Mr. Elsher then opened his medicine cabinet and grabbed a bottle. He took what was in the bottle and dropped to the floor.

Mr. Elsher’s wife then walked in through the front door put her stuff down and walked in the bathroom. Mrs. Elsher called 911. The ambulance arrived and took him, and then he arrived at the hospital. They did CPR then pumped his stomach and Mr. Elsher took a breath. When he woke up, he started to scream and kick and grabbed his wife. The nurses all held him down and injected him with sleeping medicine. Mr. Flesher woke up in a psychiatric ward in a small room on a thin flat mat. The doctor came in and explained to him why he’s there and he needs to confess what his thoughts are about to get out. Mr. Elsher knew that if he told the doctor what his thoughts were about, they would never let him out. He waited until that night, and he picked the lock of his door. He creeped out into the dark hallway and peaked around the corner. He saw a nurse and quietly approached her.

He put his hand over her mouth and his other arm around her neck. Mr. Flesher strangled the nurse. He had finally given into his thoughts and fulfilled his obsession. He looked at her and her body and felt like he had accomplished his lifelong dream. Mr. Elsher then turned around and walked away. As he walked around, he found a spot the perfect spot. Mr. Elsher then grabbed a chair and hung himself. He squirmed and kicked his feet until he took his very last breath.

The author's comments:

This piece is about a psychotic man and what happened to him in one day and how everything changed.

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