Assassin's Alibi | Teen Ink

Assassin's Alibi

July 7, 2023
By chl0ew BRONZE, Perth, Other
chl0ew BRONZE, Perth, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"You're about as intimidating as a butterfly, so I suggest you let go of me now before I have to kill you, okay?" Katarina smiled at him sinisterly, her mind going a hundred miles an hour trying to formulate a plan to save herself. It wasn't her fault, after all, she did warn him, and she always got paid one way or another. Katarina turned to face Axel; a knife beginning to dig into the side of his neck, allowing blood to seep through his skin and trickle down his arm.

"Bold of you to assume I would agree to a criteria like that." he stated, squirming, trapped by Katarina's deathly grip, beginning to lose the privilege of taking a breath. "We're not all savages here sweetheart."

"Disrespectfully, I am not your sweetheart, so I suggest you stop before you have another thing to add to your list of regrets throughout your short-lived, worthless existence. My sincerest apologies if I'm not full of sunshine and rainbows like the others but unfortunately for you, you hired me to kill, and I did. You didn't pay me, and I always get paid one way or another so cry yourself a river, build a bridge, and get over it." Katarina had given him an ultimatum and Axel had chosen to ignore it. He was oblivious to the world around him, the living definition of believing the world revolves around you, 'a self-absorbed piece of work' as Katarina liked to put it, although sometimes she preferred to refer to him as a waste of air to add some variation. Axel wanted her to murder his wife, and she did, unlike the ten others who were hired and found more satisfaction in filing their nails than fulfilling their task. Katarina wanted her payment for the extensive work and vast amount of commitment to the project, and he failed to suffice. She wanted to drown in fifty pound notes but it looked like she was going to have to drown him instead.

"We all have to make little sacrifices in our lives Axel, unfortunately, you just happen to have to make a large one. Didn’t your pathetic excuse of a mother ever tell you; life’s not fair?" She grabbed him by the neck and held him beneath the crashing waves. Crimson blood began to filter through the ocean waves, complimenting their deep, cerulean colour. The knife slipped out of her hand before proceeding to float gracefully out to sea. Waves crashed against the jagged crowd of rocks in a momentary outburst of rage. The moon glared down upon them amidst the minuscule glimmers of light that cluttered the sky. Axel's breaths became less frequent, and spaced further apart, until they ceased to exist. Blood stained her pale, nimble fingers as she restrained herself from enduring an inevitable breakdown that was bound to gain control in some unforeseen circumstance. Axel’s skin began to tighten and ashen in colour as Katarina allowed the limp body to become one with the ocean. Now all she needed was an alibi.

The author's comments:

This is a fiction book based on a series of murders being committed. Please be aware of descriptions and details so if you believe you may not be able to read it then please be aware of this. Thank you. 

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