1032 | Teen Ink


May 19, 2023
By kadenyost BRONZE, Cerritos, California
kadenyost BRONZE, Cerritos, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Its scary how accurate the chat gpt bot was. It told us how if we played the game we would all somehow pass away. You see we asked what would happen in the next two years but at the time we just laughed it off cause why would we take a robot seriously. We all eventually separated in life going to different colleges however we all kind of slowly all realized it was impossible to make friends. All of them went to cal states and in order to make friends you either had to join greek life or be hot as f*ck. None of them were hot so they could not make any friends. One night all of them decided to link back up and all go to a haunted house. The house was abandoned by the ocean in palos verdes. The house was said to be haunted because of a man who lived there in the 1800s. You see he used to hunt octopuses but he was ruthless and killed them in a way immoral. He was known as the OctopusK killer. The kids decided to meet up around 4am and decided that it would be a good idea to contact the spirits. They spent around 2-4 hours just climbing the mountain and their shoes all got muddy, and Jerry the main leader of the group, almost even lost the Oujee board. When they got up they felt a weird attack of spirits. You see they all were in distress about college. They ended up not using the board and went back to school. They all ended up getting attacked the following monday at their schools. The demons followed to each different school and made them outnumbered 3-1 each. All the kids panicked as all the other students just watched get stabbed in the ankle. They all thought that somebody would come to their rescue, and even though they were all at the schools for over 3 months they still had not made even 2 friends! If they all were social and became friends with even 2 people they could have actually had a chance fighting all these demons and beings. The kids were all luckily able to escape because they found some vacuums and sucked up all ghosts which all had 8 arms. You see, they would need to get at least 24 friends to fight the 3 ghosts who weirdly all had 24 arms all together (3 ghosts x 8 arms=24 arms.) The next day all the friends decided to join frats, glee club, and any other clubs that were all accepted. All the kids now had crutches since they got their ankles stabbed, however they decided to use that as a crutch also to make friends. They all collectively made 129 friends which were 9 more than they had needed. After all this craziness they realized they needed to attack the main source, the house. So they all went to pico rivera to burn the house. The tree barks broke, the eeriness was superb and the depression was high. They all went to go burn the house when all of a sudden they realized they now had 1032 hands. The ghosts didn't stab them but instead injected them with a shot, a shot of ghostnesia. The ghosts then decided to start a new club, the 1032 club. They now haunt all cal states and make kids be scared of loneliness rather than being scared to make new friends. The 1032 club now resides in the abandoned house inside that wild forest.

The author's comments:

I liked writing this story. It provided peace while I meditated.

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