Lost girl | Teen Ink

Lost girl

December 10, 2021
By Qwenleah BRONZE, Englewood, Colorado
Qwenleah BRONZE, Englewood, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   Robert, A boy who disappears in the middle of the night to go find his missing friend. Ava went missing 2 weeks ago with no trace. She is known to run away but not for this long but the only person taking her disappears seriously is Robert. He is secretly in love with her and would do anything to make sure she is safe. They were best friends and unstoppable when they two were together just knowing something chaotic was going to happen. After Robert left his house, he went to Ava’s home first to see if she came back but she wasn’t there. The home smelled like cotton candy just like Ava’s perfume. The house was freaky clean, not even a shoe on the floor but there was a particular idea that Robert noticed, it was a plant that he gave Ava before she went missing. He was upset that she left the plant behind and hurried to leave. He then next travels to one of Ava’s favorite places which happen to be an old, banned haunted house. Robert became tired, scared, and weak, he said to himself that “there are a million things I could be doing right now” but he wasn’t going to give up until he found his friend. The haunted house was on 3 floors. The first floor was the basement. There were spiders and skeletons everywhere but there was no sign of Ava so he went to the 2nd floor… He notices that someone might have been living there because it smelled like old Food and there was also water everywhere He used the water to water Ava’s plant hoping he would give it to her but there was still no sign of  Ava so he started calling her name over and over hoping she would respond. Hoping he would give it to her. So he goes to the scariest part of the house, the third floor which smelled like Ava’s perfume. The smell of cotton candy made him happy.  As he is walking up the stairs he notices a door cracked with a  girl’s leg. He became happy and started yelling “yes I found her, I found her”, “Ava is that you?” As she didn’t answer he ran to the door to notice she was dead.  Whispers of sadness came across his body as he confessed his true feelings to her. “I love you, I’m in love with you Ava” he stood up in whipped the tears and notice a letter by her body that says: 


Lost girl

If you are reading this I am no longer here. I’ve been killed and I’m kind of glad Because I no longer get to live with pain. My parents used to mistreat me and I would go days at a time without eating food. If I did anything wrong they would beat me. That’s the reason I used to run away. I became sad because I didn’t have anyone. I wish one person would have saved me but I’m in a better place. I’m happy now. My parents killed me. They told me they were tired of dealing with me every single day. So my dad beat me with the bat as my mom tied me up and recorded him killing me. That was the worst time of my life. In the last moment of my life, I was suffering just like I was my whole life. If you are reading this I want to be buried next to my house and I don’t want anyone to know that I’m dead.

 Robert If you ever see this I love you. 

love Ava

Ather reading her letter, Robert followed her wishes and he never told anyone but later will avenge her death...  


Lost girl 

           Part two

. Robert goes days without telling anyone his friend has died instead he follows her wishes and buried her next to her home. He thought she would finally be at peace but the only thing he didn’t know was that Ava’s parents had seen him bury her and they thought he knew what they did. Robert took care of  Ava’s plant and sprayed cotton candy perfume on the plant so it can smell like her but after a while, he stopped caring about it.  Weeks, even months went by without anything happening Then boom Robert goes missing! Without any trace, people think he is acting out because his friend Ava went missing. Robert had tricks up his sleeve, Robert is the smartest kid on the block. He wouldn’t just go missing without anyone knowing but his little brother Kevin knew everything. 

Kevin was 10 years old and looked up to his big brother and would do anything for him. Kevin had curly hair, he was skinny but looked like Jim Carrey a little.                                                Kevin went looking for his brother but had no luck finding him. Robert wasn’t missing and was ready to avenge Ava's death. He texted his brother, “I’m Okay I’m ready to end this, meet me at our meeting place” “OKAY” said Kevin. Kevin went to the meeting place but there was no Robert instead it was Ava's parents. “Something smells fishy,” he said. Ava’va parents had Robert’s phone but they didn’t have him. Robert was behind Kevin with his hand over his mouth so he wouldn’t yell. They ran off together and Robert told Kevin that they were trying to kill him. Her parents knew that they needed to kill both Robert and Kevin but the parents didn’t know that They planned to kill them out of his mind but he still went up to them and asked them “have you seen my brother”? “No, but you have,” said Ava’s dad. They took Kevin and ran off and put him in their car.  They told him “we know you know what we did, you and your brother have to die” Robert followed them and had been watching and listening to them the whole time and was ready to take the evidence to the police but they drove off with Kevin in the car. Rober tried chasing them but he had no luck; he looked everywhere for Kevin but couldn’t find him. Her parents went back to the old haunted house to finish off Kevin. Before they killed him they asked him a question. “What do you know”? “I know that you guys killed Ava!'' said Kevin. “Umm” before they killed him they made him write a letter to his brother

    I trusted you, Robert. You told me I wouldn’t die but here I am about to die. Because of you, I’m dead. I will never forgive you.

Your’s Truly Kevin

They made him suffer before they cut his neck off. They ran off after killing him. Robert finally came to the old haunted house and saw his brother dead. He felt like life was over. He had no one anymore and after reading the letter he knew he had to avenge his brother’s death too.

He says “this isn’t over I will kill them tonight” 


Lost girl

                      Part Three 

Robert notices a magic book right next to Kevin’s body. The book could repair anything, even bring back the dead. All you needed was a string and a magic spell over the dead body. Robert was in luck there were TWO magic strings in the book right by the spell he did the magic spell over his dead brother's body but it didn’t work. Before he could leave he heard a scream and he ran back into the house to see Kevin alive. “IT WORKED” Cried, Robert. Kevin was scared and kept saying “I should be dead” Robert calmed him down and told him what was going on. Kevin cried and said ``glad to be back”, “sorry’ said Robert. After they were done talking, they came up with a plan to kill Ava’s parents. Kevin texted and said “I'M still alive” they freak out and couldn't believe it. They went back to the haunted house where Kevin and Robert were waiting for them. When they got there  Kevin went behind them and started beating them with the beat while Robert tied them up and smashed their heads. Robert felt relieved. “It’s finally over” yelled Robert. They left their bodies there to rote. Robert took the magic book and went to where he buried Ava’s body and said the magic spell and tied the string to her neck. But was it too late for her..? 

It worked but she was still dead on the inside. Her, Robert, and Kevin ran off together and lived happily ever after but do they?  

Writers note: The letters represent pain but you can repair pain. You see that Robert repairs his pain by bringing back the “dead”; But does he really bring back the dead?

The author's comments:

The reason I wrote this short story is to give the readers a thrill. The character Ava goes through depression and Robert suffers loss after loss. This story represents my life in some kind of way.

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