The sun doesn't shine on dark days | Teen Ink

The sun doesn't shine on dark days

January 22, 2019
By CavanO BRONZE, Towson, Maryland
CavanO BRONZE, Towson, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up and all I could see was a white light blinding me. It was as if god himself was staring me down but rather than a warm embrace it felt cold and distant. like I was somewhere I didn’t belong. The light seemed to fade away just as mysteriously as it arrived leaving me with the feeling I had just been resurrected. I couldn’t remember anything. Not even my name was coming back to me. I didn’t even know I had a name. Welcoming me back into the world was a headache that felt like it was digging into my skull. My whole body felt stiff as if my body was trying to tell me I wasn’t supposed to move yet. The only sounds I could hear was the static of a radio. The damn thing still had a wire attached to it. I was lying in a small bed that didn’t have a blanket. The bed felt stiffer then my body. The room I was in was quite bland with eggshell white and a single window that provided very little natural lighting. I wore a white hospital gown with a blue dot design. The cold air seemed to wake me up revitalizing my senses. I began to slowly crawl from my bed my legs were barely able to keep me upright. My feet hit the cold ground reminding me that I was still alive. I slowly made my way towards the huge doors and I was barely able to push it forward. The sounds of my feet hit the ground being the only thing to disrupt the silence. The hospital hallway seemed to dominate me. Enclosing me in its dimly lit corridors completely deserted of any sort of life except the faint breaths I’d make to maintain my composure. I made my way to what looked to be a waiting room there was a row of chairs pressed against the wall that had an ugly grey look. The receptionist desk facing towards them with a single swivel chair behind. Stacks of paper being compiled on a single desk all surrounding an outdated computer. This room once had life and now it doesn’t. This whole building felt dead. As I walked passed the waiting room I made my way towards the entrance. The only thing separating me from the outside world was a small glass door that had been shattered to a million pieces. I walked out that hospital and never once looked back. The sun shot at my eyes. Somehow the bright and warm sun felt harsh. I began walking down the street into what looked to be a city. It had massive buildings practically stacked on top of each other. Billboards plastered everywhere with ads saying eat this, wear this, and drive this. Might as well have put the word consume in big black letters. It was a city, but it didn’t feel like one. There weren’t taxis honking, people on cell phones talking, no large crowd all fighting to move forward like tuna going upstream. There was just silence and yet it was the loudest thing I’d ever heard. It was practically deafening like it was saying to me you are alone. I began to yell shouting from the top of lungs screaming for something just anything to hear me. To just know that I’m not alone. But alas there no response. I was screaming at nothing and waiting for nothing to scream back. I began to walk through the city. Some strength in my legs had returned and I was able to stand upright again. Passing by cars that didn’t move nor did they have anyone in it. They were all empty, this god damn city was empty. I felt as if I was a spectator just watching something I wasn’t a part of nor did I even begin to understand it. As I kept moving the city just seemed to stop at a certain point like it just decided this was where it was going to end. I made my way towards where the city seemed to just end and began inspecting the area. Then I saw it. There was a cliff. It was so deep I couldn’t see the bottom and I couldn’t see anything across the cliff. It seemed Infinite. Like it had devoured everything else but kept this little portion here for me to sit and admire. I stared at it and could feel it looking back at me. I took a deep breath and fell from the cliff.

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